


This is a node program that provides an ast parser that transforms the THREE.js source code in commonJS format, to be used in node.js or in browsers, using QuickStart, Browserify, or whatever you like the most. This parser is run every time a new THREE.js revision is released, and the results are published to npm.

npm install three.cjs --save

Basic Usage (NPM Package)

var THREE = require("three.cjs");
// use THREE as normal

However, if you plan on using THREE.js including everything, you might as well include the global version, or depend on the official package instead.

CommonJS Usage (NPM Package)


var Vector3 = require("three.cjs/math/Vector3").Vector3;
console.log(new Vector3().sub(new Vector3(-1, -2, -3)));

Example from the THREE.js README, in commonJS format, live demo:

var Scene = require( 'three.cjs/scenes/Scene' ).Scene;
var PerspectiveCamera = require( 'three.cjs/cameras/PerspectiveCamera' ).PerspectiveCamera;
var BoxGeometry = require( 'three.cjs/extras/geometries/BoxGeometry' ).BoxGeometry;
var MeshBasicMaterial = require( 'three.cjs/materials/MeshBasicMaterial' ).MeshBasicMaterial;
var Mesh = require( 'three.cjs/objects/Mesh' ).Mesh;
var WebGLRenderer = require( 'three.cjs/renderers/WebGLRenderer' ).WebGLRenderer;

var scene, camera, renderer;
var geometry, material, mesh;


function init() {

    scene = new Scene();

    camera = new PerspectiveCamera( 75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 10000 );
    camera.position.z = 1000;

    geometry = new BoxGeometry( 200, 200, 200 );
    material = new MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xff0000, wireframe: true } );

    mesh = new Mesh( geometry, material );
    scene.add( mesh );

    renderer = new WebGLRenderer();
    renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );

    document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );


function animate() {

    requestAnimationFrame( animate );

    mesh.rotation.x += 0.01;
    mesh.rotation.y += 0.02;

    renderer.render( scene, camera );


The directory structure is kept starting from src.

Compiler Usage

This package's primary goal is to publish three.cjs on npm, therefore it is not very user-friendly.

You have to clone from GitHub then run npm install, then:

node ./compile.js --input /path/to/three.js/src --output /path/to/dist

You can also pack in extra files (examples ?) by adding them to the three.js src folder and running the above command.


This program optimizes the THREE.js code at the AST level. It gets rid of all the instanceof checks, by setting a .is property on every function exported on the THREE object, thus eliminating a lot of dependencies. It also gets rid of the native instanceof checks, by replacing it with the more solid Object.prototype.toString method.

Here is an example from Object3D.js.


if ( object instanceof THREE.PerspectiveCamera ) {
    // some other code


var instance;
// ... //
if (!!(instance = object) && !!instance.isPerspectiveCamera) {
    // some other code

Now, Object3D does not depend on PerspectiveCamera any longer.

Handling circular dependencies

When a circular dependency is found, the generated AST for the require call looks like this:

source: math/Vector3.js

var Matrix4Module, getMatrix4Module = function () {
    return Matrix4Module = require('./Matrix4');

// ... //

Vector3.prototype.project = function () {
  var matrix;
  return function (camera) {
    if (matrix === undefined) matrix = new (Matrix4Module || (getMatrix4Module())).Matrix4();
    matrix.multiplyMatrices(camera.projectionMatrix, matrix.getInverse(camera.matrixWorld));
    return this.applyProjection(matrix);

It's not very pretty to look at, but it's fast, only one function call per module.


Some files in THREE.js use computed expressions on the THREE object:

./loaders/Loader.js (computed expression) ./loaders/MaterialLoader.js (computed expression) ./loaders/ObjectLoader.js (computed expression) ./loaders/JSONLoader.js (missing Loader definition) (since Loader.js was ignored)

These files are unable to be parsed by this program, and are therefore ignored.

See this pull request for more info.

For reasons unknown to humanity, ./core/Raycaster.js uses THREE as the argument of an anonymous function. This file cannot be compiled.

You can use my branch if you want to compile THREE from source with loaders support and Raycaster.

The three.cjs package on npm uses my branch.


The published three.cjs package follows the three package versioning, where the minor version represents the THREE.js revision. The patch version will be used for patches in compilation, should bugs arise.