


Library for accessing gamepads in modern browsers.

How to use

	<script src="gamepad.js"></script>
	var gamepad = new Gamepad();
	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.CONNECTED, function(device) {
		// a new gamepad connected

	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.DISCONNECTED, function(device) {
		// gamepad disconnected

	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.UNSUPPORTED, function(device) {
		// an unsupported gamepad connected (add new mapping)

	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.BUTTON_DOWN, function(e) {
		// e.control of gamepad e.gamepad pressed down
	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.BUTTON_UP, function(e) {
		// e.control of gamepad e.gamepad released

	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.AXIS_CHANGED, function(e) {
		// e.axis changed to value e.value for gamepad e.gamepad

	gamepad.bind(Gamepad.Event.TICK, function(gamepads) {
		// gamepads were updated (around 60 times a second)
	if (!gamepad.init()) {
		// Your browser does not support gamepads, get the latest Google Chrome or Firefox


The library is built using grunt and node.js. Have them installed according to their installation guidelines.

The build sequence consists of the following tasks:

The default grunt task executes them in the given order.