

Custom Magento Reports with Google Chart API

Easily create reports with custom SQL queries and display them using the magento admin grid or using Google Charts API.




See the contributor list

Known Issues


Grid Configuration Format

It's possible to make columns filterable by using the "Grid Configuration" option. This field expects a JSON object with key/value pairs. There are two options to make a set of columns configurable, an array containing the names of the columns to be filtered:

"filterable": ["customer_group", "region"]

Or an object with key/value pairs of the column name and Magento admin block type. It is important that this be a valid block type otherwise the grid will fail to render.

"filterable": {"created_at_date": "adminhtml/widget_grid_column_filter_date"}

Here is a list of common filter block types:

More can be found in app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Widget/Grid/Column.php within the _getFilterByType method.

You can also create clickable row values, and hide columns. Example;



The license is currently <a href="https://tldrlegal.com/license/creative-commons-attribution-noncommercial-(cc-nc)#summary">Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial</a>. TL;DR is that you can modify and distribute but not for commercial use.

Changed it on July 24 from OSL to this license because there was a company that started distributing it in a way that didn't seem kosher. If you're legitimately interested in commercially redistributing it, I'd probably be fine with that - just get in touch.