

PORORO: Platform Of neuRal mOdels for natuRal language prOcessing

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pororo performs Natural Language Processing and Speech-related tasks.

It is easy to solve various subtasks in the natural language and speech processing field by simply passing the task name.



pip install pororo
git clone https://github.com/kakaobrain/pororo.git
cd pororo
pip install -e .
bash asr-install.sh
bash tts-install.sh


>>> from pororo import Pororo
>>> from pororo import Pororo
>>> Pororo.available_tasks()
"Available tasks are ['mrc', 'rc', 'qa', 'question_answering', 'machine_reading_comprehension', 'reading_comprehension', 'sentiment', 'sentiment_analysis', 'nli', 'natural_language_inference', 'inference', 'fill', 'fill_in_blank', 'fib', 'para', 'pi', 'cse', 'contextual_subword_embedding', 'similarity', 'sts', 'semantic_textual_similarity', 'sentence_similarity', 'sentvec', 'sentence_embedding', 'sentence_vector', 'se', 'inflection', 'morphological_inflection', 'g2p', 'grapheme_to_phoneme', 'grapheme_to_phoneme_conversion', 'w2v', 'wordvec', 'word2vec', 'word_vector', 'word_embedding', 'tokenize', 'tokenise', 'tokenization', 'tokenisation', 'tok', 'segmentation', 'seg', 'mt', 'machine_translation', 'translation', 'pos', 'tag', 'pos_tagging', 'tagging', 'const', 'constituency', 'constituency_parsing', 'cp', 'pg', 'collocation', 'collocate', 'col', 'word_translation', 'wt', 'summarization', 'summarisation', 'text_summarization', 'text_summarisation', 'summary', 'gec', 'review', 'review_scoring', 'lemmatization', 'lemmatisation', 'lemma', 'ner', 'named_entity_recognition', 'entity_recognition', 'zero-topic', 'dp', 'dep_parse', 'caption', 'captioning', 'asr', 'speech_recognition', 'st', 'speech_translation', 'ocr', 'srl', 'semantic_role_labeling', 'p2g', 'aes', 'essay', 'qg', 'question_generation', 'age_suitability']"
>>> from pororo import Pororo
>>> Pororo.available_models("collocation")
'Available models for collocation are ([lang]: ko, [model]: kollocate), ([lang]: en, [model]: collocate.en), ([lang]: ja, [model]: collocate.ja), ([lang]: zh, [model]: collocate.zh)'
>>> from pororo import Pororo
>>> ner = Pororo(task="ner", lang="en")
>>> ner("Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17, 1963) is an American businessman and former professional basketball player.")
[('Michael Jeffrey Jordan', 'PERSON'), ('(', 'O'), ('born', 'O'), ('February 17, 1963)', 'DATE'), ('is', 'O'), ('an', 'O'), ('American', 'NORP'), ('businessman', 'O'), ('and', 'O'), ('former', 'O'), ('professional', 'O'), ('basketball', 'O'), ('player', 'O'), ('.', 'O')]
>>> ner = Pororo(task="ner", lang="ko")
>>> ner("마이클 제프리 조던(영어: Michael Jeffrey Jordan, 1963년 2월 17일 ~ )은 미국의 은퇴한 농구 선수이다.")
[('마이클 제프리 조던', 'PERSON'), ('(', 'O'), ('영어', 'CIVILIZATION'), (':', 'O'), (' ', 'O'), ('Michael Jeffrey Jordan', 'PERSON'), (',', 'O'), (' ', 'O'), ('1963년 2월 17일 ~', 'DATE'), (' ', 'O'), (')은', 'O'), (' ', 'O'), ('미국', 'LOCATION'), ('의', 'O'), (' ', 'O'), ('은퇴한', 'O'), (' ', 'O'), ('농구 선수', 'CIVILIZATION'), ('이다.', 'O')]
>>> ner = Pororo(task="ner", lang="ja")
>>> ner("マイケル・ジェフリー・ジョーダンは、アメリカ合衆国の元バスケットボール選手")
[('マイケル・ジェフリー・ジョーダン', 'PERSON'), ('は', 'O'), ('、アメリカ合衆国', 'O'), ('の', 'O'), ('元', 'O'), ('バスケットボール', 'O'), ('選手', 'O')]
>>> ner = Pororo(task="ner", lang="zh")
>>> ner("麥可·傑佛瑞·喬丹是美國退役NBA職業籃球運動員,也是一名商人,現任夏洛特黃蜂董事長及主要股東")
[('麥可·傑佛瑞·喬丹', 'PERSON'), ('是', 'O'), ('美國', 'GPE'), ('退', 'O'), ('役', 'O'), ('nba', 'ORG'), ('職', 'O'), ('業', 'O'), ('籃', 'O'), ('球', 'O'), ('運', 'O'), ('動', 'O'), ('員', 'O'), (',', 'O'), ('也', 'O'), ('是', 'O'), ('一', 'O'), ('名', 'O'), ('商', 'O'), ('人', 'O'), (',', 'O'), ('現', 'O'), ('任', 'O'), ('夏洛特黃蜂', 'ORG'), ('董', 'O'), ('事', 'O'), ('長', 'O'), ('及', 'O'), ('主', 'O'), ('要', 'O'), ('股', 'O'), ('東', 'O')]
>>> from pororo import Pororo
>>> mt = Pororo(task="mt", lang="multi", model="transformer.large.multi.mtpg")
>>> fast_mt = Pororo(task="mt", lang="multi", model="transformer.large.multi.fast.mtpg")


For more detailed information, see full documentation

If you have any questions or requests, please report the issue.



If you apply this library to any project and research, please cite our code:

  author       = {Heo, Hoon and Ko, Hyunwoong and Kim, Soohwan and
                  Han, Gunsoo and Park, Jiwoo and Park, Kyubyong},
  title        = {PORORO: Platform Of neuRal mOdels for natuRal language prOcessing},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/kakaobrain/pororo}},
  year         = {2021},


Hoon Heo, Hyunwoong Ko, Soohwan Kim, Gunsoo Han, Jiwoo Park and Kyubyong Park



PORORO project is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.

Copyright 2021 Kakao Brain Corp. https://www.kakaobrain.com All Rights Reserved.