

Generalizable Implicit Neural Representations with Instance Pattern Composers (CVPR'23 Highlight)

The official implementation of "Generalizable Implicit Neural Representations with Instance Pattern Composers"
Chiheon Kim*, Doyup Lee*, Saehoon Kim, Minsu Cho, Wook-Shin Han (*Equal contribution).
CVPR'23 Highlight

<center><img src="assets/main_framework.png"></center>

TL;DR We propose generalizable implicit neural representations (INRs) for a coordinate-based MLP to learn common representations across data instances, while modulating only a small set of weights in an early MLP layer as instance-specific patterns to characterize each data instance.


We have tested our codes on the environment below

Please run the following command to install the necessary dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Coverage of Released Codes

This repository includes the implementations of

Preparation of Datsets

Before running the training and evaluation codes, the datasets have to be prepared. Please refer to the details in data/README.md.

Training and Evaluation


Our implementation uses DistributedDataParallel in Pytorch for efficient training with multi-node and multi-GPU environments. We commonly use Four NVIDIA V100 GPUs to train our generalizable INRs, but you can also adjust the command-line arguments -nr, -np, and -nr according to GPU environments.

All config files are located in the subdirectory of configs/, including the proposed models (low_rank_modulated_transinr and low_rank_modulated_meta) and the compared baselines (transinr, learned_init).

To train a model under the environment with a single node having four GPUs, use the script below to run training codes. For training on other tasks or datasets, simply change the config file information $CONFIG_FILE. During training, checkpoints and logs are saved in $SAVE_DIR.

./run_stage_inr.sh -nn=1 -np=4 -nr=0 -r=$SAVE_DIR -m=$CONFIG_FILE


After the training, evaluation codes are automatically executed and the checkpoints are saved. If you want to manually evaluate a checkpoint, run the code below

./run_stage_inr.sh -nn=1 -np=1 -nr=0 -r=$SAVE_DIR -l=$CHECKPOINT_FILE --eval



  title={Generalizable Implicit Neural Representations via Instance Pattern Composers},
  author={Kim, Chiheon and Lee, Doyup and Kim, Saehoon and Cho, Minsu and Han, Wook-Shin},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.13223},


If you would like to collaborate with us or provide us with feedback, please contact us.


We appreciate the authors of TransINR for making their codes available to the public. We develop our codes based on and modify the implementation of TransINR.