


Fluentd output plugin to load/insert data into Google BigQuery.

Current version of this plugin supports Google API with Service Account Authentication, but does not support OAuth flow for installed applications.

Support Version

plugin versionfluentd versionruby version
v0.4.x0.12.x2.0 or later
v1.x.x0.14.x or later2.2 or later
v2.x.x0.14.x or later2.3 or later
v3.x.x1.x or later2.7 or later

With docker image

If you use official alpine based fluentd docker image (https://github.com/fluent/fluentd-docker-image), You need to install bigdecimal gem on your own dockerfile. Because alpine based image has only minimal ruby environment in order to reduce image size. And in most case, dependency to embedded gem is not written on gemspec. Because embbeded gem dependency sometimes restricts ruby environment.




auth_methodenumyesnoprivate_keyprivate_key or json_key or compute_engine or application_default
emailstringyes (private_key)nonilGCP Service Account Email
private_key_pathstringyes (private_key)nonilGCP Private Key file path
private_key_passphrasestringyes (private_key)nonilGCP Private Key Passphrase
json_keystringyes (json_key)nonilGCP JSON Key file path or JSON Key string
locationstringnononilBigQuery Data Location. The geographic location of the job. Required except for US and EU.
tablestringyes (either tables)yesnil
tablesarray(string)yes (either table)yesnilcan set multi table names splitted by ,
auto_create_tableboolnonofalseIf true, creates table automatically
ignore_unknown_valuesboolnonofalseAccept rows that contain values that do not match the schema. The unknown values are ignored.
schemaarrayyes (either fetch_schema or schema_path)nonilSchema Definition. It is formatted by JSON.
schema_pathstringyes (either fetch_schema)yesnilSchema Definition file path. It is formatted by JSON.
fetch_schemaboolyes (either schema_path)nofalseIf true, fetch table schema definition from Bigquery table automatically.
fetch_schema_tablestringnoyesnilIf set, fetch table schema definition from this table, If fetch_schema is false, this param is ignored
schema_cache_expireintegernono600Value is second. If current time is after expiration interval, re-fetch table schema definition.
request_timeout_secintegernononilBigquery API response timeout
request_open_timeout_secintegernono60Bigquery API connection, and request timeout. If you send big data to Bigquery, set large value.
time_partitioning_typeenumno (either day)nonilType of bigquery time partitioning feature.
time_partitioning_fieldstringnononilField used to determine how to create a time-based partition.
time_partitioning_expirationtimenononilExpiration milliseconds for bigquery time partitioning.
clustering_fieldsarray(string)nononilOne or more fields on which data should be clustered. The order of the specified columns determines the sort order of the data.


template_suffixstringnoyesnilcan use %{time_slice} placeholder replaced by time_slice_format
insert_id_fieldstringnononilUse key as insert_id of Streaming Insert API parameter. see. https://docs.fluentd.org/v1.0/articles/api-plugin-helper-record_accessor
add_insert_timestampstringnononilAdds a timestamp column just before sending the rows to BigQuery, so that buffering time is not taken into account. Gives a field in BigQuery which represents the insert time of the row.
allow_retry_insert_errorsboolnonofalseRetry to insert rows when an insertErrors occurs. There is a possibility that rows are inserted in duplicate.
require_partition_filterboolnonofalseIf true, queries over this table require a partition filter that can be used for partition elimination to be specified.


source_formatenumnonojsonSpecify source format json or csv or avro. If you change this parameter, you must change formatter plugin via <format> config section.
max_bad_recordsintegernono0If the number of bad records exceeds this value, an invalid error is returned in the job result.

Buffer section

@typestringnomemory (insert) or file (load)
chunk_limit_sizeintegerno1MB (insert) or 1GB (load)
total_limit_sizeintegerno1GB (insert) or 32GB (load)
chunk_records_limitintegerno500 (insert) or nil (load)
flush_modeenumnointervaldefault, lazy, interval, immediate
flush_intervalfloatno1.0 (insert) or 3600 (load)
flush_thread_intervalfloatno0.05 (insert) or 5 (load)
flush_thread_burst_intervalfloatno0.05 (insert) or 5 (load)

And, other params (defined by base class) are available

see. https://github.com/fluent/fluentd/blob/master/lib/fluent/plugin/output.rb

Inject section

It is replacement of previous version time_field and time_format.

For example.

  time_key time_field_name
  time_type string
  time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

see. https://github.com/fluent/fluentd/blob/master/lib/fluent/plugin_helper/inject.rb

Formatter section

This section is for load mode only. If you use insert mode, used formatter is json only.

Bigquery supports csv, json and avro format. Default is json I recommend to use json for now.

For example.

source_format csv

  @type csv
  fields col1, col2, col3

see. https://github.com/fluent/fluentd/blob/master/lib/fluent/plugin_helper/formatter.rb


Streaming inserts

Configure insert specifications with target table schema, with your credentials. This is minimum configurations:

<match dummy>
  @type bigquery_insert

  auth_method private_key   # default
  email xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@developer.gserviceaccount.com
  private_key_path /home/username/.keys/00000000000000000000000000000000-privatekey.p12
  # private_key_passphrase notasecret # default

  project yourproject_id
  dataset yourdataset_id
  table   tablename

  schema [
    {"name": "time", "type": "INTEGER"},
    {"name": "status", "type": "INTEGER"},
    {"name": "bytes", "type": "INTEGER"},
    {"name": "vhost", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "path", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "method", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "protocol", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "agent", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "referer", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "remote", "type": "RECORD", "fields": [
      {"name": "host", "type": "STRING"},
      {"name": "ip", "type": "STRING"},
      {"name": "user", "type": "STRING"}
    {"name": "requesttime", "type": "FLOAT"},
    {"name": "bot_access", "type": "BOOLEAN"},
    {"name": "loginsession", "type": "BOOLEAN"}

For high rate inserts over streaming inserts, you should specify flush intervals and buffer chunk options:

<match dummy>
  @type bigquery_insert
    flush_interval 0.1  # flush as frequent as possible
    total_limit_size 10g
    flush_thread_count 16
  auth_method private_key   # default
  email xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@developer.gserviceaccount.com
  private_key_path /home/username/.keys/00000000000000000000000000000000-privatekey.p12
  # private_key_passphrase notasecret # default

  project yourproject_id
  dataset yourdataset_id
  tables  accesslog1,accesslog2,accesslog3

  schema [
    {"name": "time", "type": "INTEGER"},
    {"name": "status", "type": "INTEGER"},
    {"name": "bytes", "type": "INTEGER"},
    {"name": "vhost", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "path", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "method", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "protocol", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "agent", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "referer", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "remote", "type": "RECORD", "fields": [
      {"name": "host", "type": "STRING"},
      {"name": "ip", "type": "STRING"},
      {"name": "user", "type": "STRING"}
    {"name": "requesttime", "type": "FLOAT"},
    {"name": "bot_access", "type": "BOOLEAN"},
    {"name": "loginsession", "type": "BOOLEAN"}

Important options for high rate events are:

See Quota policy section in the Google BigQuery document.


<match bigquery>
  @type bigquery_load

    path bigquery.*.buffer
    flush_at_shutdown true

  auth_method json_key
  json_key json_key_path.json

  project yourproject_id
  dataset yourdataset_id
  auto_create_table true
  table yourtable%{time_slice}
  schema_path bq_schema.json

I recommend to use file buffer and long flush interval.


There are four methods supported to fetch access token for the service account.

  1. Public-Private key pair of GCP(Google Cloud Platform)'s service account
  2. JSON key of GCP(Google Cloud Platform)'s service account
  3. Predefined access token (Compute Engine only)
  4. Google application default credentials (http://goo.gl/IUuyuX)

Public-Private key pair of GCP's service account

The examples above use the first one. You first need to create a service account (client ID), download its private key and deploy the key with fluentd.

JSON key of GCP(Google Cloud Platform)'s service account

You first need to create a service account (client ID), download its JSON key and deploy the key with fluentd.

<match dummy>
  @type bigquery_insert

  auth_method json_key
  json_key /home/username/.keys/00000000000000000000000000000000-jsonkey.json

  project yourproject_id
  dataset yourdataset_id
  table   tablename

You can also provide json_key as embedded JSON string like this. You need to only include private_key and client_email key from JSON key file.

<match dummy>
  @type bigquery_insert

  auth_method json_key
  json_key {"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...", "client_email": "xxx@developer.gserviceaccount.com"}

  project yourproject_id
  dataset yourdataset_id
  table   tablename

Predefined access token (Compute Engine only)

When you run fluentd on Googlce Compute Engine instance, you don't need to explicitly create a service account for fluentd. In this authentication method, you need to add the API scope "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery" to the scope list of your Compute Engine instance, then you can configure fluentd like this.

<match dummy>
  @type bigquery_insert

  auth_method compute_engine

  project yourproject_id
  dataset yourdataset_id
  table   tablename


Application default credentials

The Application Default Credentials provide a simple way to get authorization credentials for use in calling Google APIs, which are described in detail at http://goo.gl/IUuyuX.

In this authentication method, the credentials returned are determined by the environment the code is running in. Conditions are checked in the following order:credentials are get from following order.

  1. The environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is checked. If this variable is specified it should point to a JSON key file that defines the credentials.
  2. The environment variable GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY and GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL are checked. If this variables are specified GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY should point to private_key, GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL should point to client_email in a JSON key.
  3. Well known path is checked. If file is exists, the file used as a JSON key file. This path is $HOME/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json.
  4. System default path is checked. If file is exists, the file used as a JSON key file. This path is /etc/google/auth/application_default_credentials.json.
  5. If you are running in Google Compute Engine production, the built-in service account associated with the virtual machine instance will be used.
  6. If none of these conditions is true, an error will occur.

Table id formatting

this plugin supports fluentd-0.14 style placeholder.

strftime formatting

table and tables options accept Time#strftime format to construct table ids. Table ids are formatted at runtime using the chunk key time.

see. https://docs.fluentd.org/configuration/buffer-section

For example, with the configuration below, data is inserted into tables accesslog_2014_08_02, accesslog_2014_08_03 and so on.

<match dummy>
  @type bigquery_insert


  project yourproject_id
  dataset yourdataset_id
  table   accesslog_%Y_%m_%d

  <buffer time>
    timekey 1d

NOTE: In current fluentd (v1.15.x), The maximum unit supported by strftime formatting is the granularity of days

record attribute formatting

The format can be suffixed with attribute name.

CAUTION: format is different with previous version

<match dummy>
  table   accesslog_${status_code}

  <buffer status_code>

If attribute name is given, the time to be used for formatting is value of each row. The value for the time should be a UNIX time.

time_slice_key formatting

Instead, Use strftime formatting.

strftime formatting of current version is based on chunk key. That is same with previous time_slice_key formatting .

Date partitioned table support

this plugin can insert (load) into date partitioned table.

Use placeholder.

<match dummy>
  @type bigquery_load

  table   accesslog$%Y%m%d

  <buffer time>
    timekey 1d

But, Dynamic table creating doesn't support date partitioned table yet. And streaming insert is not allowed to insert with $%Y%m%d suffix. If you use date partitioned table with streaming insert, Please omit $%Y%m%d suffix from table.

Dynamic table creating

When auto_create_table is set to true, try to create the table using BigQuery API when insertion failed with code=404 "Not Found: Table ...". Next retry of insertion is expected to be success.

NOTE: auto_create_table option cannot be used with fetch_schema. You should create the table on ahead to use fetch_schema.

<match dummy>
  @type bigquery_insert


  auto_create_table true
  table accesslog_%Y_%m


Also, you can create clustered table by using clustering_fields.

Table schema

There are three methods to describe the schema of the target table.

  1. List fields in fluent.conf
  2. Load a schema file in JSON.
  3. Fetch a schema using BigQuery API

The examples above use the first method. In this method, you can also specify nested fields by prefixing their belonging record fields.

<match dummy>
  @type bigquery_insert


  schema [
    {"name": "time", "type": "INTEGER"},
    {"name": "status", "type": "INTEGER"},
    {"name": "bytes", "type": "INTEGER"},
    {"name": "vhost", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "path", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "method", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "protocol", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "agent", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "referer", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "remote", "type": "RECORD", "fields": [
      {"name": "host", "type": "STRING"},
      {"name": "ip", "type": "STRING"},
      {"name": "user", "type": "STRING"}
    {"name": "requesttime", "type": "FLOAT"},
    {"name": "bot_access", "type": "BOOLEAN"},
    {"name": "loginsession", "type": "BOOLEAN"}

This schema accepts structured JSON data like:

  "remote":{ "ip": "" },

The second method is to specify a path to a BigQuery schema file instead of listing fields. In this case, your fluent.conf looks like:

<match dummy>
  @type bigquery_insert

  schema_path /path/to/httpd.schema

where /path/to/httpd.schema is a path to the JSON-encoded schema file which you used for creating the table on BigQuery. By using external schema file you are able to write full schema that does support NULLABLE/REQUIRED/REPEATED, this feature is really useful and adds full flexbility.

The third method is to set fetch_schema to true to enable fetch a schema using BigQuery API. In this case, your fluent.conf looks like:

<match dummy>
  @type bigquery_insert

  fetch_schema true
  # fetch_schema_table other_table # if you want to fetch schema from other table

If you specify multiple tables in configuration file, plugin get all schema data from BigQuery and merge it.

NOTE: Since JSON does not define how to encode data of TIMESTAMP type, you are still recommended to specify JSON types for TIMESTAMP fields as "time" field does in the example, if you use second or third method.

Specifying insertId property

BigQuery uses insertId property to detect duplicate insertion requests (see data consistency in Google BigQuery documents). You can set insert_id_field option to specify the field to use as insertId property. insert_id_field can use fluentd record_accessor format like $['key1'][0]['key2']. (detail. https://docs.fluentd.org/v1.0/articles/api-plugin-helper-record_accessor)

<match dummy>
  @type bigquery_insert


  insert_id_field uuid
  schema [{"name": "uuid", "type": "STRING"}]

