

MuAlloy: A Mutation Testing Framework for Alloy

MuAlloy is a command line tool built on top of Alloy4.2. The tool provides basic features to mutate an Alloy model at its AST level and generate non-equivalent mutant models. For each non-equivalent mutant model, MuAlloy is able to generate an Alloy instance that kills it. All mutant killing instances can be encoded as AUnit tests and saved on the disk. MuAlloy can also run mutation testing on any model given some tests.



Clone MuAlloy repo

To run MuAlloy, use git to clone the repository.

git clone git@github.com:kaiyuanw/MuAlloy.git

Build MuAlloy

To build MuAlloy, Java 8 and Gradle 4.3.1 must be installed. Then, you can run ./mualloy.sh --build in Bash 4.4 to build MuAlloy.

Quick Start:

Generate Mutants

To generate mutants, run

./mualloy.sh --generate-mutants -o <arg> -m <arg> [-s <arg>] [-t <arg>]

or use the full argument name

./mualloy.sh --generate-mutants --model-path <arg> --mutant-dir <arg> [--scope <arg>] [--test-path <arg>]

The command also reports the number of equivalent mutants, non-equivalent mutants and unique tests.

Mutation Testing

To run mutation testing, run

./mualloy.sh --run-mutation-testing -o <arg> -m <arg> -t <arg>

or use the full argument name

./mualloy.sh --run-mutation-testing --model-path <arg> --mutant-dir <arg> --test-path <arg>

The command also reports whether each mutant is killed by the test suite or not. After MuAlloy finishes running the test suite against all mutants, the command reports the mutation score.

Included Examples

MuAlloy provides 13 example models and the commands to generate mutants and collect mutation score for each model. The experiments/models directory contains all example models and some of them come from the standard Alloy distribution:

To generate mutants for a given example model, run

./mualloy.sh --generate-mutants-example ${model}

where ${model} can be one of [addr, bempl, binaryTree, ctree, dijkstra, farmer, fullTree, grade, grand, handshake, nqueens, other, singlyLinkedList]. By default, MuAlloy reads the model from experiments/models/${model}.als and generates mutants under experiments/gen/${model} directory. MuAlloy saves the mutant killing test suite at experiments/gen/tests/${model}.als. The scope used varies for different models. For more details, take a look at models.sh.

To generate mutants for all 13 example models, run

./mualloy.sh --generate-mutants-example-all

To run mutation testing for a given example model and a test suite, run

./mualloy.sh --run-mutation-testing-example "${model}"

where ${model} can be one of [addr, bempl, binaryTree, ctree, dijkstra, farmer, fullTree, grade, grand, handshake, nqueens, other, singlyLinkedList]. By default, MuAlloy reads the model and mutants from experiments/models/${model}.als and experiments/gen/${model} directory, respectively. This means you should first generate mutants for example models and then run mutation testing. MuAlloy reads the test suite at experiments/test-suite/${model}.als. Note that the test suites under experiments/test-suite are actually generated using MuAlloy so all mutants should be killed.

To run mutation testing for all 13 example models, run

./mualloy.sh --run-mutation-testing-example-all

Mutation Operators

MuAlloy supports the following mutation operators.

MORMultiplicity Operator Replacement. E.g. some sig S => lone sig S
QORQuantifier Operator Replacement. E.g. all s: S => some s: S
UORUnary Operator Replacement. E.g. some S => no S
BORBinary Operator Replacement. E.g. a + b => a - b
LORFormula List Operator Replacement. E.g. a && b => a || b
UOIUnary Operator Insertion. E.g. a.b => a.*b
UODUnary Operator Deletion. E.g. a.^b => a.b
BOEBinary Operator Exchange. E.g. a - b => b - a
IEOEImply-Else Operator Exchange. E.g. a => b else c => a => c else b

The full mutations are shown below:

When the above mutation operators involve both ${x} and ${y}, they cannot be the same relational operator.


Alloy Model

We show an acyclic singly linked list Alloy model below:

module SinglyLinkedList
sig List {
  header: lone Node
sig Node {
  link: lone Node
pred Acyclic (l: List) {
  no l.header or some n: l.header.*link | no n.link 
run Acyclic

The model declares a set of List and Node atoms. Each List atom has zero or one header of type Node. Each Node atom has zero or one following Node along link. header and link are partial functions. The predicate Acyclic restricts its parameter l to be acyclic. The body of the Acyclic predicate states that l is acyclic if (1) it does not have an header or (2) there exists some Node reachable from l's header following zero or more link, such that the Node does not have a subsequent node along the link.

Alloy Instance

Below is an satisfiable Alloy instance for the above list model if we run the Acyclic predicate:

List Instance

The instance states that there are two List atoms (List0 and List1) and two Node atoms (Node0 and Node1). List0's header is Node1 and List1's header is Node0. Node1's next node is Node0. Assuming List0 is implicitly passed as the argument of Acyclic predicate, we can see that List0 is indeed acyclic as there is no loop in the list.

AUnit Test

An AUnit test is a pair of a model valuation and a run command. For example, the above Alloy instance can be written as an AUnit test as below:

pred test {
  some disj List0, List1: List {
    some disj Node0, Node1: Node {
      List = List0 + List1
      header = List0->Node1 + List1->Node0
      Node = Node0 + Node1
      link = Node1->Node0
run test

The test declares 2 disjoint List atoms (List0 and List1) and 2 disjoint Node atoms (Node0 and Node1). It restricts the entire List set to be {List0, List1} and Node set to be {Node0, Node1}. The predicate also states that the header maps List0 to Node1 and List1 to Node0, and the link maps Node1 to Node0. If you run the test predicate, you will obtain the isomorphic Alloy instance shown above.

Killing Mutant

One of the mutant MuAlloy generates from the list example model using QOR is shown below:

module SinglyLinkedList
sig List {
  header: lone Node
sig Node {
  link: lone Node
pred Acyclic (l: List) {
  no l.header or all n: l.header.*link | no n.link 
run Acyclic

MuAlloy mutates some n: ... to all n: ..., which restricts every Node in l without a subsequent Node along the link. This overconstrains l so it can be empty or only have one Node. The above AUnit test will be unsatisfiable for List0 as Node1 has a subsequent node Node0. Since the test is satisfiable for the original model but is unsatisfiable for the mutant, it kills the mutant. Similarly, if an AUnit test is unsatisfiable for the original model but is satisfiable for the mutant, it also kills the mutant.


MuAlloy currently does not support mutating AST nodes declared inside signature facts because the equivalence checking is not supported for now. The workaround is to move signature fact to a stand-alone fact declaration. We may support mutating signature facts in a future release.



MIT License, see LICENSE for more information.