

Machine Learning + Kafka Streams Examples

This project contains examples which demonstrate how to deploy analytic models to mission-critical, scalable production leveraging Apache Kafka and its Streams API. Examples will include analytic models built with TensorFlow, Keras, H2O, Python, DeepLearning4J and other technologies.

Kafka Open Source Ecosystem for a Scalable Mission Critical Machine Learning Infrastructure

Material (Blogs Posts, Slides, Videos)

Here is some material about this topic if you want to read and listen to the theory instead of just doing hands-on:

Use Cases and Technologies

The following examples are already available including unit tests:

More sophisticated use cases around Kafka Streams and other technologies will be added over time in this or related Github project. Some ideas:

Some other Github projects exist already with more ML + Kafka content:

The most exciting and powerful example first: Streaming Machine Learning at Scale from 100000 IoT Devices with HiveMQ, Apache Kafka and TensorFLow

Here some more demos:

Requirements, Installation and Usage

The code is developed and tested on Mac and Linux operating systems. As Kafka does not support and work well on Windows, this is not tested at all.

Java 8 and Maven 3 are required. Maven will download all required dependencies.

Just download the project and run

            mvn clean package

You can do this in main directory or each module separately.

Apache Kafka 2.5 is currently used. The code is also compatible with Kafka and Kafka Streams 1.1 and 2.x.

Please make sure to run the Maven build without any changes first. If it works without errors, you can change library versions, Java version, etc. and see if it still works or if you need to adjust code.

Every examples includes an implementation and an unit test. The examples are very simple and lightweight. No further configuration is needed to build and run it. Though, for this reason, the generated models are also included (and increase the download size of the project).

The unit tests use some Kafka helper classes like EmbeddedSingleNodeKafkaCluster in package com.github.megachucky.kafka.streams.machinelearning.test.utils so that you can run it without any other configuration or Kafka setup. If you want to run an implementation of a main class in package com.github.megachucky.kafka.streams.machinelearning, you need to start a Kafka cluster (with at least one Zookeeper and one Kafka broker running) and also create the required topics. So check out the unit tests first.

Example 1 - Gradient Boosting with H2O.ai for Prediction of Flight Delays

Detailed info in h2o-gbm

Example 2 - Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with TensorFlow for Image Recognition

Detailed info in tensorflow-image-recognition

Example 3 - Iris Prediction using a Neural Network with DeepLearning4J (DL4J)

Detailed info in dl4j-deeplearning-iris

Example 4 - Python + Keras + TensorFlow + DeepLearning4j

Detailed info in tensorflow-kerasm