


Android Arsenal Maven Central

Android-Transition allows the easy creation of view transitions that reacts to user inputs. The library is designed to be general enough such that the same transition can be applied to differnt UI components like Drawer, SlidingUpPanel, ViewPager, ObservableScrollView (work in progress), etc., as long as appropriate adapter is used.




Because somehow version 0.9.3 uploaded to Maven is broken :-/




Fixed an embarrassing mistakenly-capitalized package name.


Please note that due to change in scope and direction, the code has been overhauled in 0.9.x and is incompatible with 0.8.x.

On the other hand now it only takes 8 lines of code to achieve the effect below that includes both non-interactive animation and interactive transition (drawer dragging):

On Android Studio update Gradle dependency to:

    compile 'com.github.kaichunlin.transition:core:0.9.4'

To add the corresponding slidinguppanel module:

    compile 'com.github.kaichunlin.transition:slidinguppanel:0.9.1'


Android Support Annotations are applied across the codebase which should help catching incorrect usage early. On Android Studio update Gradle dependency to:

    compile 'com.github.kaichunlin.transition:core:0.8.3'

Note that while many annotations such as @NonNull and @Nullable work on SDK Build Tools 22.0.x, some annotations like @IntRange and @FlatRange only work when preview version (23.0.0 rc2) is used.

Download from Google Play

Get it on Google Play

The app on Google Play may not be the latest version.



The simplest way to integrate Android-Transition is to grab them from Maven Central or jCenter. On Android Studio, add the code below to Gradle dependencies:

    compile 'com.github.kaichunlin.transition:core:0.9.5'

Adapters that adapts to UI components not found in Android framework or Android Support Library are provided as their own libraries, the table below is the list of libraries:

LibraryFunctionDescription in build.gradle
coreProvides core transition function and adapterscom.github.kaichunlin.transition:core:0.9.5
slidinguppanelAndroidSlidingUpPanel Adaptercom.github.kaichunlin.transition:slidinguppanel:0.9.5

As an example, if an app requires the slidinguppanel module, which implicitly requires the core module, then build.gradle will look like below:

     dependencies {
       //other dependencies

        compile 'com.github.kaichunlin.transition:slidinguppanel:0.9.5'


Two steps to apply transition to any View (sample code):

  1. Use the adapter corresponding to the ViewGroup type:
//uses DrawerListenerAdapter to handle DrawerLayout user interactions
DrawerListenerAdapter mDrawerListenerAdapter = new DrawerListenerAdapter(mDrawerToggle, R.id.drawerList);
  1. Add desired transition to the adapter, ViewTransitionBuilder is used to build the transition:
ViewTransitionBuilder.transit(findViewById(R.id.big_icon)).rotation(0f, 360f).scaleX(1f, 0.2f).scaleY(1f, 0f).translationX(200f));

Three steps to apply transition to a MenuItem (sample code):

  1. Use the appropriate adapter that extends MenuBaseAdapter:
  DrawerListenerAdapter mDrawerListenerAdapter = new DrawerListenerAdapter(mDrawerToggle, R.id.drawerList);
  1. Let the adapter manage the creation of options menu:
  public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
      mDrawerListenerAdapter.onCreateOptionsMenu(this, menu);

      return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
  1. Add desired transition to the adapter, MenuItemTransitionBuilder is used to build the transition:
  //shared configuration
  MenuItemTransitionBuilder builder = MenuItemTransitionBuilder.transit(toolbar).alpha(1f, 0.5f).scale(1f, 0f).cascade(0.3f).visibleOnStartAnimation(true).invalidateOptionOnStopTransition(this, true);
  // create a transition to be used when the drawer transits from the closed state to the opened state
  // notice that in most situations clone() should be used, i.e. builder.clone(), to prevent builder picking up effects that should only apply to a single transition
  MenuItemTransition mShrinkClose = builder.translationX(0, 30).build();
  // create a reverse transition to be used when the drawer transits from the opened state to the closed state
  MenuItemTransition mShrinkOpen = builder.reverse().translationX(0, 30).build();
  //tells adapter the transition and the menu options for both the opened and closed states
  mDrawerListenerAdapter.setupOptions(this, new MenuOptionConfiguration(mShrinkOpen, R.menu.drawer), new MenuOptionConfiguration(mShrinkClose, R.menu.main));


To apply both animation & transition:

This can be achieved with the code:

      //Create an adapter that listens for ActionBarDrawerToggle state change and update transition states
      DrawerListenerAdapter mDrawerListenerAdapter = new DrawerListenerAdapter(mDrawerToggle, R.id.drawerList);

      //this builder is used to build both transition & animation effect
      ViewTransitionBuilder mRotateEffectBuilder = ViewTransitionBuilder.transit(findViewById(R.id.big_icon)).rotation(0f, 360f).scaleX(1f, 0.2f).scaleY(1f, 0f).translationX(200f);
      //build the desired transition and adds to the adapter
      ViewTransition transition = mRotateEffectBuilder.build();

      //since the start animation is the reverse of the transition, set the current view state to transition's final state
      //init an animation and add a delay to prevent stutter, needs to be higher if animation is enabled
      final IAnimation animation = mRotateEffectBuilder.reverse().buildAnimation();
      animation.startAnimationDelayed(600, 32);

See source of DrawerViewActivity.java for example.
