

Auto Update

What is this repository?

This repository contains chocolatey packages maintained by kai2nenobu.

These packages are built on GitHub Actions and published into Chocolatey.org. Some packages are automatically updated by using AU. (Update Report)

Package List

idtitleversionembedded?auto update?
actionlintactionlintactionlint version
font-firgeProgramming Font Firgefont-firge version
font-firge-nerdProgramming Font Firge with Nerd Fontsfont-firge-nerd version
font-hackgenProgramming Font HackGenfont-hackgen version
font-hackgen-nerdProgramming Font HackGen with Nerd Fontsfont-hackgen-nerd version
mapeMay Authentication Proxies Explodemape version
navinavinavi version
petpet : CLI Snippet Managerpet version

If you want to know the complete list, see https://chocolatey.org/profiles/kai2nenobu#profile-packages.