


If humans can find bugs by reading the logs, so can computers

Read the documentation for the latest version.

Snabbkaffe is a trace-based test framework for Erlang. It is lightweight and dependency-free.

It works like this:

  1. Programmer manually instruments the code with trace points
  2. Testcases are split in two parts:
    • Run stage where the program runs and emits event trace
    • Check stage where trace is collected and validated against the spec(s)
  3. Trace points become structured log messages in the release build

This approach can be used in a component test involving an ensemble of interacting processes. It has a few nice properties:

Additionally, snabbkaffe supports fault and delay injection into the system to test correctness of the supervision trees and rare code paths.

Getting started

Add the following to rebar.config:

{deps, [{snabbkaffe, {git, "https://github.com/kafka4beam/snabbkaffe.git", {tag, "1.0.0"}}}]}.