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Windows 10/11 stuff

Automatic/Custom Destinations, BagMRU & ShellLNK (LNK) Browser<img src="https://github.com/kacos2000/Win10/assets/11378310/4bd0394f-955d-4969-a83b-f0bc68619389" width="300">
$MFT directory tree reconstruction & FILE record browser<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11378310/211606446-1213ff95-a8f8-4a7a-9691-e24931b9f69b.png" width="300">
Background Activity Moderator (Win10 v1803/1809/1903)Bam preview <br>Background Activity Service and registry entries. Powershell parsers & info.
PowerShell History (pdf)PowerShell script to read the current user's log(s).
SQLite queriesVarious sqlite queries (Browser data, Skype etc)
CortanaCortana preview <br>Some notes on Cortana (pdf)
Desktop Icon LayoutsDesktop preview <br>List of user desktop icon/shortcuts/files (registry) (pdf)
MS Edge Container permissionsMS Edge Access permissions (test notes)
MS Edge ContainersMS Edge container info (test notes) (pdf)
USB devicesUSB device history in the registry (test notes) (pdf)
Unix Hex to Time conversionExcel spreadsheet to convert UNIX dates in Hexadecimal to readable DateTime
Windows Installation and UpgradesUpgrades preview<br>How to determine the original Windows Installation date. (pdf)
Zone.Identifier ADS viewPowershell preview <br>PowerShell script to list Alternate Data Streams and view the Zone.Identifier ADS contents of files in the selected folder/subfolders. More info at Phill Moore's blog and at [Hacking Exposed](http://www.hecfblog.com/2018/06/daily-blog-402-solution-saturday-62318.html. Also, powerShell script to list Files/Folders that are HardLinks or Junction Points.
Windows 10 Timeline (Win10 v1803/1809/1903)Analysis of Windows 10 timeline feature.<br> SQLite queries, Powershell scripts & info.
Windows 10 NotificationsSQLite query of the (Push) Notifications dB, Powershell scripts & other info
Windows 10 Sticky NotesSQLite query and info
Windows 10 (v1809/1903): YourPhone appSQLite query to view the Contacts & SMS Messages plus info.
Windows 10 event log parsersPowerShell scripts to read live or offline Windows event log(s), Eventlog keyword lists, OpCodes etc.
Windows 10 AmCache.hve parserPowerShell scripts to parse the AmCache hive.
Windows 10 Search JumpListPowerShell script to parse the Windows 10 'Search JumpList' entries
NTFS ObjectIDspowershell script listing the NTFS $MFT ObjectID's of files in selected Folder & subfolders. Powershell script to parse a local or mounted drive and save the $USN journal to a comma separated file. Also, a script to get NTFS information from a local or mounted drive and get user readable results. All three use Windows's "fsutil.exe" command.
Windows Diagnostics InfrastructurePowershell script that uses Microsoft TraceRpt.Exe to convert all Event Trace Logs (.ETL) of the target "\Windows\System32\WDI" folder to the respective summary.txt and eventlog.csv (comma separated file). It also copies the StartupInfo folder and it's contents.
Office Document CacheOfficeFileCachePowerShell scripts & EXEs to parse MS Office ..stuff :)
Windows Media Player Library Metadata parserwmpl Windows Media Player Library Metadata parser
Win 11 Program-Compatibility parserimage