

Private Tutor CRM


  1. Clone repository to your local machine
  2. Configure database config. Just copy file config/database.example.yml to config/database.yml. If you want to connect to MySQL using not root user or if you have password for user, paste your username and password in config/database.yml. Make sure that you paste this information in every environment section (ie development, production, test and etc.)
  3. Run command bundle in your terminal to install necessary gems for project
  4. Create databases for all environments: rake db:create:all
  5. Migrate all existing migrations to have actual database schema: rake db:migrate
  6. Load schema dump from actual environment (this is development environment to test environment): RAILS_ENV=test rake db:schema:load
  7. Run seeds to populate database with initial data: rake db:seed
  8. Run rspec spec in terminal and make sure that all tests passed
  9. Start server: rails s
  10. Go to [http://localhost:3000/admin]. There is default account for admin: admin@example.com:password

Testing & Development process

Use guard to fill comfortable with running tests. Just type guard in terminal and see results of passing tests. Now every changing in test will run rspecs in terminal automatically
