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Castlevania Decompilation

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Discord Castlevania 64 - Research Spreadsheets TCRF - Castlevania (Nintendo 64)



This repository contains a work-in-progress decompilation project for Castlevania (Nintendo 64).

[!IMPORTANT] This repository DOES NOT contain any of the assets required to build the ROM. All data, including the original assembly code and assets, requires a legally obtained copy of the original game to extract all of this data from.

The main objective of this project is to rewrite C code that, when compiled, results in matching assembly code found in the game's ROM. Besides this, the project also aims to extract and convert all assets from binary data to a higher-level format understood by the console.

At the moment, this project cannot be used to create mods on a large scale due to issues with shiftability (i.e. hardcoded addresses), therefore it's only useful for documentation of the game's code for now.



These tools are instrumental in the decompilation process of Castlevania 64.


These people make this project possible and successful.

Getting started



There is a Dockerfile for convenience. If you want to have your development environment on your system, continue to Linux or Windows.

[!NOTE] You may need to prefix docker commands with sudo if your user is not part of the docker user group.

You can build the Docker image as follows.

docker build . -t c64

And then, you can interactively spin up a docker container.

docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/c64 c64

Linux (Debian/Ubuntu offshoots)



[!WARNING] If the compilation process fails, go to the castlevania.yaml file and set the option dissasemble_all to True, then clean and build again. It should then end up with an error. At this point, change said option back to False, clean and build again and the project should build successfully.

Place a Castlevania 64 (USA v1.0) ROM in the root of the project, and rename it to baserom.z64.

Now, you must configure the CMake project by running the following...

cmake -S . -B build -G "Ninja"

[!TIP] Or run mise run c if you are already using mise

The above snippet produces a Ninja-based build system under the hood. This seems to be faster than Make, but if you still prefer Make over Ninja, you can run the following...

cmake -S . -B build -G "Unix Makefiles"

[!TIP] You can also use mise run cdec if you are already using mise, or cmake -S . -B build -Dcompress=FALSE to skip compressing files and checking the ROM's sha1sum. This is only useful for debugging non-matching compressed files at the moment.

Afterwards, to build the project, run the following...

cmake --build build

[!TIP] Or run mise run b if you are already using mise


Run the following to clean up the build artifacts.


[!TIP] Or run mise run cl if you are already using mise

Context generation

You can generate a ctx.c context file for use with mips2c or decomp.me. This will contain all headers within a given source file

python3 ./tools/m2ctx.py <your_C_file>

[!TIP] Or run mise run ctx -- <your_C_file> if you are already using mise.

Using permuter

You can use permuter to assist on matching functions that are close to completion, but are problematic to work with, such as when there registers are allocated differently or when instructions are placed in a different order than the target assembly.

  1. Go to a scratch from decomp.me and click Export, which saves a ZIP file named the same as the function in that scratch. Ensure the ZIP file is placed in ~/Downloads.

  2. From the root of the repo, run:

    ./scripts/perm putFunctionNameHere

    This will create a directory called perm in the root of the project.

[!TIP] Or run mise r pp putFunctionNameHere if you are already using mise.

  1. From the root of the repo, run:

    python tools/decomp-permuter/permuter.py perm

    Add the -j option to utilize multiple cores, followed by the number of cores.

[!TIP] Or run mise r p perm if you are already using mise.