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🌟 Version 6.0.0

Video2X 6.0.0 highlights:

<details> <summary>Click to see more details</summary>

Version 6.0.0 is a complete rewrite of this project in C/C++. It:



🪟 Install on Windows

Download the Latest Windows Installer Executable (6.3.1)

You can download the latest Windows release on the releases page. For basic GUI usage, refer to the documentation. If you're unable to download directly from GitHub, try the mirror site. The GUI currently supports the following languages:

🐧 Install on Linux

Video2X packages are available for the Linux distros listed below. If you'd like to build it from source code, refer to the PKGBUILD file for a general overview of the required dependencies and commands. If a package is not available for your distro and you prefer not to compile the program from source code, consider using the container image outlined in the next section.

📦 Container Image

Video2X container images are available on the GitHub Container Registry for easy deployment on Linux and macOS. If you already have Docker/Podman installed, only one command is needed to start upscaling a video. For more information on how to use Video2X's Docker image, please refer to the documentation.

📔 Google Colab

You can use Video2X on Google Colab for free if you don't have a powerful GPU of your own. You can borrow a powerful GPU (NVIDIA T4, L4, or A100) on Google's server for free for a maximum of 12 hours per session. Please use the free resource fairly and do not create sessions back-to-back and run upscaling 24/7. This might result in you getting banned. You can get Colab Pro/Pro+ if you'd like to use better GPUs and get longer runtimes. Usage instructions are embedded in the Colab Notebook.

💬 Telegram Discussion Group

Join our Telegram discussion group to ask any questions you have about Video2X, chat directly with the developers, or discuss super resolution, frame interpolation technologies, or the future of Video2X in general.

📖 Documentation

Comprehensive documentation for Video2X is available at https://docs.video2x.org/. It offers detailed instructions on how to build, install, use, and develop with this program.

📽️ Video Demos (Outdated)

Spirited Away Demo
Upscale demo: Spirited Away's movie trailer

Standard Test Clip

The following clip can be used to test if your setup works properly. This is also the standard clip used for running performance benchmarks.

The original clip came from the anime "さくら荘のペットな彼女."
Copyright of this clip belongs to 株式会社アニプレックス.

⚖️ License

This project is licensed under GNU AGPL version 3.
Copyright (C) 2018-2024 K4YT3X and contributors.


This project includes or depends on these following projects:

FFmpeg/FFmpegLGPLv2.1, GPLv2
Tencent/ncnnBSD 3-Clause
bloc97/Anime4KMIT License
nihui/realcugan-ncnn-vulkanMIT License
nihui/rife-ncnn-vulkanMIT License
xinntao/Real-ESRGAN-ncnn-vulkanMIT License

More licensing information can be found in the NOTICE file.

🌺 Special Thanks

Special thanks to the following individuals for their significant contributions to the project, listed in alphabetical order.