

FastHub is currently under a huge refactoring, please make sure to submit an issue only if necessary.

You could follow the development on V5 in this PR

Build Status Releases Slack License: GPL v3



Yet another open-source GitHub client app but unlike any other app, FastHub was built from scratch.

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> FastHub contain Ads, which are disabled by default. You could enable them if you'd like to support the development.
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Specs / Open-source libraries:


You love FastHub? You want new features or bug fixes?
Please contribute to the project either by creating a PR or submitting an issue on GitHub.
Read the contribution guide for more detailed information.

Language Contributors

<details> <summary>Thanks for those who contributed to FastHub by adding their language</summary> <p>- Chinese (Simplified) <a href="https://github.com/devifish">@Devifish</a></p> <p>- Chinese (Traditional) <a href="https://github.com/maple3142">@maple3142</a></p> <p>- German <a href="https://github.com/failex234">@failex234</a></p> <p>- Indonesian <a href="https://github.com/dikiaap">@dikiaap</a></p> <p>- Italian <a href="https://github.com/Raffaele74">@Raffaele74</a></p> <p>- Japanese <a href="https://github.com/Rintan">@Rintan</a></p> <p>- Lithuanian <a href="https://github.com/mistermantas">@mistermantas</a></p> <p>- Russian <a href="https://github.com/dedepete">@dedepete</a></p> <p>- Turkish <a href="https://github.com/kutsan">@kutsan</a></p> <p>- Portuguese <a href="https://github.com/caiorrs">@caiorrs</a></p> <p>- Czech <a href="https://github.com/hejsekvojtech">@hejsekvojtech</a></p> <p>- Spanish <a href="https://github.com/alete89">@alete89</a></p> <p>- French <a href="https://github.com/ptt-homme">@ptt-homme</a></p> <p>- Korean <a href="https://github.com/Astro36">@Astro36</a> <a href="https://github.com/cozyplanes">@cozyplanes</a></p> </details>


<details> <summary>Why can't I see my <b>Organizations</b> either <i>Private</i> or <i>Public</i> ones?</summary> <p>Open up https://github.com/settings/applications and look for FastHub, open it then scroll to Organization access and click on Grant Button, alternatively login via <b>Access Token</b> which will ease this setup.</p> </details> <details> <summary>I tried to login via Access Token & OTP but why isn't it working?</summary> <p>You can't login via Access Token & OTP all together due to the lifetime of the OTP code, you'll be required to login in every few seconds.</p> </details> <details> <summary>Why are my Private Repo and Enterprise Wiki not showing up?</summary> <p>It's due to FastHub scraping GitHub Wiki page & Private Repos require session token that FastHub doesn't have.</p> </details> <details> <summary>I login with Enterprise account but can't interact with anything other than my Enterprise GitHub.</summary> <p>Well, logically, you can't access anything else other than your Enterprise, but FastHub made that possible but can't do much about it, in most cases since your login credential doesn't exists in GitHub server. But in <b>few</b> cases your GitHub account Oauth token will do the trick.</p> </details> <details> <summary>Why am I having problems editing Issues/PRs?</summary> <p>If you are unable to edit an issue in a public organization, please contact your Organization Admin to grant access to FastHub. Alternatively you can login using an Access Token with the correct permissions granted.</p> </details> <details> <summary>I'm having this issue! / I want this and that!</summary> <p>Head to https://github.com/k0shk0sh/FastHub/issues/new and create new issue for bugs or feature requests. I really encourage you to search before opening a ticket. Any duplicate request will result in it being closed immediately.</p> </details>


Copyright (C) 2017 Kosh.
Licensed under the GPL-3.0 license.
(See the LICENSE file for the whole license text.)



FastHub Logo

FastHub logo is designed by Cookicons.
Designer website Cookicons.

OLD FastHub logo was designed by Kevin Aguilar.
Designer at Kevin Aguilar.
Laus Deo Semper