


This is the official repository of A Theoretical Study on Solving Continual Learning (NeurIPS 2022).

In this repository, we provide the codes for Sup+CSI and Sup+CSI+c. For HAT+CSI and HAT+CSI+c, please check the repository of our workshop paper (Link)


Check out our related paper


The code has been tested on the machine with

RTX 3090

Please install the necessary packages


Please change --dataset --config --log_dir --name for different experiments

python experiments/GG/run.py --data='./data' --dataset 'cifar10' --config 'cifar10_5t_csi' --log_dir './logs/cifar10_5t_csi' --name 'cifar10_5t_csi' --ood_method 'csi' --round 0 --gpu-sets=0 --seeds 1 --save --original --amp

choices of dataset: mnist, cifar10, cifar100, timgnet choices of config: mnist_5t_csi, cifar10_5t_csi, cifar100_10t_csi, cifar100_20t_csi, timgnet_5t_csi, timgnet_10t_csi

Without mixed precision, remove --amp

To resume training,

python experiments/GG/run.py --data './data' --dataset 'cifar10' --config 'cifar10_5t_csi' --log_dir './logs/cifar10_5t_csi' --load_path './logs/cifar10_5t_csi/cifar10_5t_csi_round_0/result_joint_3.pt' --name 'cifar10_5t_csi' --ood_method 'csi' --round 0 --gpu-sets=0 --seeds 1 --resume_task 4 --original

Please change load_path and resume_task for your experiment.

Training calibration parameters

Please change --dataset, --config --log_dir, --load_path, --name, --calibration_task

python experiments/GG/run.py --data './data' --dataset 'cifar10' --config 'cifar10_5t_csi' --log_dir './logs/cifar10_5t_csi' --load_path './logs/cifar10_5t_csi/cifar10_5t_csi_round_0/result_joint_4.pt' --name 'cifar10_5t_csi' --print_filename 'calibration_4.txt' --ood_method 'csi' --round 0 --gpu-sets=0 --seeds 1 --original --calibration_task 4

The numbers for --calibration_task and result_joint_NUMBER.pt in --load_path must be the same

Evaluation without calibration

python experiments/GG/run.py --data './data' --dataset 'cifar10' --config 'cifar10_5t_csi' --log_dir './logs/cifar10_5t_csi' --load_path './logs/cifar10_5t_csi/cifar10_5t_csi_round_0/result_joint_4.pt' --name 'cifar10_5t_csi' --print_filename 'eval_without_cal.txt' --round 0 --gpu-sets=0 --seeds 1 --ood_method 'csi' --original

Evaluation using calibration

python experiments/GG/run.py --data './data' --dataset 'cifar10' --config 'cifar10_5t_csi' --log_dir './logs/cifar10_5t_csi' --load_path './logs/cifar10_5t_csi/cifar10_5t_csi_round_0/result_joint_4.pt' --name 'cifar10_5t_csi' --cal_pretrain './logs/cifar10_5t_csi/cifar10_5t_csi_round_0/calibration_4' --print_filename 'eval_with_cal.txt' --round 0 --gpu-sets=0 --seeds 1 --ood_method 'csi' --original

Evaluation using pre-trained models

Please download the pre-trained models and calibration parameters by running download_pretrained_models.py or download manually from link. The models and calibration parameters need to be saved under LOG_DIR/NAME_round_NO/, where LOG_DIR is --log_dir (e.g., ./logs/cifar10_5t_csi) and NAME is --name (e.g., cifar10_5t_csi) and NO is the round number (e.g., usually 0).

The provided pre-trained models give the following CIL results


Different prediction method (Appendix C)

For the CIL prediction method explained in Appendix C, please run

python cil_is_til_times_tp.py


The code uses the source code from CSI and SupSup.