

ManagedUsers for Meteor

This is a simple package for making Meteor's default Accounts system more managed. With it, you will get:

This README will certainly need more details, but for now, I'll just go over the basics to get the system up and running.

Install using Meteorite:

mrt add managedUsers

Meteor Package Requirements: accounts-password, email

The 'bootstrap-3' and 'accounts-ui-bootstrap-3' from Atmosphere are included as dependencies in smart.json. A minified version of Bootbox.js (http://bootboxjs.com/), is also included. (v4.2.0)

Then just add the {{> managedUsers}} template wherever you want the management interface to be.

Handlebars Helpers

There are a few helpers to make life easier:

Adding Permissions

Just add the below function somewhere where both the server and client have access to it, and then return an object of key/value pairs.

ManagedUsers.availablePermissions = function() {
	// Return an object of key/value pairs, like:  {permissionName: "Permission Description", ....}
	// Do this in a file accessible by both the server and client.
	return {};

Testing for Permissions

ManagedUsers.hasPermission(permissionName) accepts a string of the permission's name, and then returns a boolean if the current user has that permission.

To Do