


G0Bin is a client side encrypted pastebin. The server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES.

DEMO: http://g0bin-demo.appspot.com

G0Bin is a Go port of 0bin (written in Python). 0bin in turn is an implementation of the ZeroBin project (written in PHP).

This project was created mostly as a Go learning exercise through converting a project I use often. It also serves as a great sample project in Go since it only uses the standard library.

Here are some elements that are have been implemented.

NOTE: The demo was modified to run on Google App Engine using the Datastore API.

How it works

When pasting a text into G0Bin:

Encryption image

When opening a G0Bin URL:

Decryption image


Clone this repository, build it and run it.

git clone https://github.com/jyap808/g0bin.git
cd g0bin
go build

To run G0Bin on a different port, modify the Port setting in config.json.

The configuration of G0Bin can also be reloaded by sending a HUP signal to the process.



This project modifies the Python implementation and cleans things up to make them more generic. It has the following changes:

Here are some items which are in the Python implemention which have not been implemented.

Copyright (c) 2016 Julian Yap

MIT License