

LaVIT: Empower the Large Language Model to Understand and Generate Visual Content

This is the official repository for the multi-modal large language models: LaVIT and Video-LaVIT. The LaVIT project aims to leverage the exceptional capability of LLM to deal with visual content. The proposed pre-training strategy supports visual understanding and generation with one unified framework.

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The LaVIT and Video-LaVIT are general-purpose multi-modal foundation models that inherit the successful learning paradigm of LLM: predicting the next visual/textual token in an auto-regressive manner. The core design of the LaVIT series works includes a visual tokenizer and a detokenizer. The visual tokenizer aims to translate the non-linguistic visual content (e.g., image, video) into a sequence of discrete tokens like a foreign language that LLM can read. The detokenizer recovers the generated discrete tokens from LLM to the continuous visual signals.

<div align="center"> <img src="LaVIT/assets/pipeline.png"/> </div><br/> <div align="center"> LaVIT Pipeline </div><br/> <div align="center"> <img src="VideoLaVIT/assets/pipeline.jpg"/> </div><br/> <div align="center"> Video-LaVIT Pipeline </div><br/>

After pre-training, LaVIT and Video-LaVIT can support

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  title={Unified Language-Vision Pretraining in LLM with Dynamic Discrete Visual Tokenization},
  author={Jin, Yang and Xu, Kun and Xu, Kun and Chen, Liwei and Liao, Chao and Tan, Jianchao and Mu, Yadong and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.04669},

  title={Video-LaVIT: Unified Video-Language Pre-training with Decoupled Visual-Motional Tokenization},
  author={Jin, Yang and Sun, Zhicheng and Xu, Kun and Chen, Liwei and Jiang, Hao and Huang, Quzhe and Song, Chengru and Liu, Yuliang and Zhang, Di and Song, Yang and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.03161},