


This Typst CV template is inspired by the Latex template Deedy-Resume. You can use it for both industry and academia.

If you want to find a cover letter template, you can check out modernpro-coverletter.

How to start

Use Typst CLI

If you use Typst CLI, you can use the following command to create a new project:

typst init modernpro-cv

It will create a folder named modernpro-cv with the following structure:

├── bib.bib
├── cv_double.typ
└── cv_single.typ

If you want to use the single-column version, you can modify the template cv-single.typ. If you prefer the two-column version, you can use the cv-double.typ.

Note: The bib.bib is the bibliography file. You can modify it to add your publications.

Manual Download

If you want to manually download the template, you can download modernpro-cv-{version}.zip from the release page

Typst website

If you want to use the template via Typst, You can start from template and search for modernpro-cv.

How to use the template

The arguments

The template has the following arguments:

font-typeThe font type. You can choose any supported font in your system.Times New Roman
continue-headerWhether to continue the header on the follwing pages.false
nameYour name.""
addressYour address.""
lastupdatedWhether to show the last updated date.true
pagecountWhether to show the page count.true
dateThe date of the CV.today
contactscontact details, e.g phone number, email, etc.(text: "", link: "")

Start single column version

If you want to use the single column version, you create a new .typ file and copy the following code:

#import "@preview/modernpro-cv:1.0.1": *

#show: cv-single.with(
  font-type: "PT Serif",
  continue-header: "false",
  name: "",
  address: "","
  lastupdated: "true",
  pagecount: "true",
  date: "2024-07-03",
  contacts: (
    (text: "08856", link: ""),
    (text: "example.com", link: "https://www.example.com"),
    (text: "github.com", link: "https://www.github.com"),
    (text: "123@example.com", link: "mailto:123@example.com"),

Start double column version

The double column version is similar to the single column version. However, you need to add contents to the specific left and right sections.

#import "@preview/modernpro-cv:1.0.1": *

#show: cv-double(
  font-type: "PT Sans",
  continue-header: "true",
  name: [#lorem(2)],
  address: [#lorem(4)],
  lastupdated: "true",
  pagecount: "true",
  date: "2024-07-03",
  contacts: (
    (text: "08856", link: ""),
    (text: "example.com", link: "https://www.example.com"),
    (text: "github.com", link: "https://www.github.com"),
    (text: "123@example.com", link: "mailto:123@example.com"),
  left: [
    // contents for the left column
    // contents for the right column

Start the CV

Once you set up the arguments, you can start to add details to your CV / Resume.

I preset the following functions for you to create different parts:

#section("Section Name")Start a new section
#sectionsepEnd the section
#oneline-title-item(title: "", content: "")Add a one-line item (Title: content)
#oneline-two(entry1: "", entry2: "")Add a one-line item with two entries, aligned left and right
#descript("descriptions")Add a description for self-introduction
#award(award: "", date: "", institution: "")Add an award (award, institution date)
#education(institution: "", major: "", date: "", institution: "", core-modules: "")Add an education experience
#job(position: "", institution: "", location: "", date: "", description: [])Add a job experience (description is optional)
#twoline-item(entry1: "", entry2: "", entry3: "", entry4: "")Two line items, similar to education and job experiences
#references(references:())Add a reference list. In the (), you can add multi reference entries with the following format (name: "", position: "", department: "", institution: "", address: "", email: "",),
#show bibliography: none #bibliography("bib.bib")Add a bibliography. You can modify the bib.bib file to add your publications. Note: Keep this at the end of your CV

Note: Use + @ref to display your publications. For example,


// numbering list 
+ @quenouille1949approximate
+ @quenouille1949approximate

// Keep this at the end
#show bibliography: none


Single Column

Double Column

Legacy Version

I redesigned the template and submitted the new version to Typst Universe. However, you can find the legacy version in the legacy folder if you prefer to use the multi-font setting. You can also download the modernpro-cv-legacy.zip from the release page.

Note: The legacy version also has a cover letter template. You can use it with the CV template.

Cover Letter

If you used the previous version of this template, you might know that I also provided a cover letter template.

If you want to use a consistent cover letter with the new version of the CV template, you can find it from another repository typst-coverletter.

you can also use the following code in the command line:

typst init modernpro-coverletter


The template is released under the MIT License. For more information, please refer to the LICENSE file.