<p align="center"><img src="./logo.png" width="500px"></img></p>Fannypack v4 Branch
Fannypack v4 Docs
Fannypack v5 Docs
Installing Fannypack
Run the following command to install Fannypack:
yarn add fannypack
Getting set up
To start using the components, please follow these steps:
- Wrap your application in a
which is provided by Fannypack:
import { ThemeProvider } from 'fannypack';
const App = () => (
// ... your app
- Now you can start using components like so!:
import { Button } from 'fannypack';
const MyApp = () => (
Hello world!
Feel like contributing? That's awesome! We have a Contributing guide to help you out.
<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore -->Acknowledgements
Thanks Luke Edwards for handing over the fannypack
npm name!