:candy: Syntactic sugar for React.createElement and JSX alternative
npm i reaxe
const { div, h1 } = require('reaxe')
const Component = props => div([
Using JSX in Node.js or Electron environments requires the use of transpilers like Babel. React can be used in these environments without JSX, but the syntax can be a little cumbersome compared to JSX. This module is meant to be a small wrapper around React.createElement to make the syntax easier to read and work with. I have no idea whether this is a good idea or not.
// JSX
<h1 className='foo'>Hello</h1>
// React.createElement
const h = React.createElement
h('div', null,
h('h1', {
className: 'foo'
}, 'Hello'),
h('h2', null, 'JSX')
// reaxe
h1({ className: 'foo' }, 'Hello'),
x(type)([propsOrChildren], [...children])
Wrapped createElement function that calls React.createElement
Type can either be an HTML tag string or a React component.
The returned function accepts either props
or children
as its first argument.
If the argument is a plain object or null, it will be passed as the second argument to React.createElement
If the argument is any other type, it will be passed as the third argument.
// The following arguments are passed as children:
// React.createElement('div', null, 'Hello')
// React.createElement('div', null, 2048)
const name = 'Sue'
x('div')([ 'Hello ', name, '!' ])
// React.createElement('div', null, 'Hello ', name, '!')
// An object will be passed as props:
x('div')({ style: { backgroundColor: 'tomato' } })
// React.createElement('div', { style: backgroundColor: 'tomato' })
x('div')({ className: 'foo' }, 'Hello')
x('div')({ className: 'foo' }, 256)
x('div')({ className: 'foo' }, [ 'Hello ', name ])
All HTML tags are provided as keys on the main export. They return a createElement function with the key passed to the first function.
// React.createElement('div', null, 'Hello')
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