

All the Gutted DeFi Projects

Documenting the Attacks on Decentralized Finance, where the term "Post-Mortem" is a unfortunate norm

Table of Content

** No Rug Pulls & Scams Included

** Exploited/Lost calculates the lost value based on exchange rate at the time. Many times, the loss is presented in USD value since multiple tokens are lost.

** Any Loss over $10 million or 5000 ETH is bolded (calculated at $2000 per ETH)

** Some Post-Mortems are taken down after being released, so the links may not always work (in such case, use Wayback).

DeFi Attacks<a id="attacks"></a>

Last Update: Aug 30, 2021

DateTargeted ProtocolExploited/LostPost-MortemAnalysisAudited?
——[END OF 2021]——————
TOTAL LOSS (so far)~ $720 mln <br />+ $300 mln Venus
——[Aug 2021]——————
30thCream Finance$18.8 mlnTrail of Bits
13thPunk Protocol$8.9 mlnOfficialHalbornNo
12thDAO Maker2261 ETH ($7 mln)OfficialSymbolic
10thPoly Network$600 mln <br />(2858 ETH & 6610 BNB)Official Twitter(Doxxed, returned)No
4thPopsicle Finance$25 mlnOfficialFlash LoanCertik
TOTAL $41 mln
——[Jul 2021]——————
22ndTHORChain (2nd)$800k ($8 mln hacked, <br />white hacker 10%)Official TwitterCertik
16thPancakeBunny (2nd)$2.1 mlnOfficialHaechi
15thBONDLY (MantraDAO)$22 mlnOfficialZokyo, Trustlook
THORChain$5 mln (4000 ETH - slippage)TwitterCertik
11thChainSwap (2nd)$4 mlnOfficialNo
10thAnySwap$7.9 mlnOfficialSlowMist
2ndChainSwap (1st)$800kOfficialNo
TOTAL $40 mln
——[Jun 2021]——————
29thMerlin Labs (3th)$330k<br />[total $1.6 mln]gone?PeckShield, rekt
23thEleven Finance (NRV)$4.5 mlnOfficial
21stImpossible Finance$500kOfficialKnownsec
19thVisor Finance$500kOfficial
TOTAL $6 mln
——[May 2021]——————
30thBelt Finance$50 mlnOfficialKnownsec, rekt
28thBurgerswap$7.2 mlnDecrypt
27thMerlin Labs (2nd)200+ ETHrekt
26thMerlin Labs (1st)$680kOfficialrekt
24thBogged Finance$3.6 mlnPeckshield
20thPancakeBunny$45 mlnOfficialcmichel
19thVenus Protocol$200 mln liquidated<br />+ $100 mln bad loanOfficialIgamberdiev
16thVaultSX$13.5 mlnOfficialcmichel
bVaults (bEarn)$11 mlnOfficial
12thxBNTa & xSNXa (xToken)$24.5 mlnOfficial
8thRari Capital2600 ETHOfficial
7thValue DeFi [2nd]$10 mlnOfficialrekt
5thValue DeFi [3rd]$11 mln <br />[total $28mln]gave up?rekt
2ndSpartan Protocol$40+ mlnOfficialrekt
TOTAL $233 mln<br />+ $300 mln Venus
——[Apr 2021]——————
28thUranium Finance$50 mlnOfficial (Wayback)CertiK
20thEasyFi$80 mlnOfficial (Wayback)Halborn
5thPolkatrian$3 mlnOfficial Response
4thxFORCE (Force DAO)183 ETH (+ white hack)Official
TOTAL $133 mln
——[Mar 2021]——————
14thSocial Money (Roll)2857 ETHrekt
9thDODO Pool$3.8 mlnOfficial
5thPAID Network$160 mlnOfficialHalborn
TOTAL $170 mln
——[Feb 2021]——————
27thFurucombo$15 mlnOfficial
13thAlpha Homora <br />(Cream Finance)$37.5 mlnOfficial
8thBT Finance$1.7 mlnOfficial
Growth DeFi (rAAVE)$1.3 mlnOfficialrekt
4thYearn (v1 yDAI)11 mln DAIOfficial
TOTAL $66.5 mln
——[Jan 2021]——————
19thSaddle Finance7.9 BTC (slippage)Officialrekt
2thyCredit Finance$11 mlnBlockSec, banteng
TOTAL $11 mln
——[END OF 2020]——————
TOTAL LOSS~ $158 mln<br />+ $103 mln Compound
——[Dec 2020]——————
28thCover Protocol$5 mln + moreOfficial
17thWarp Finance$7.7 mlnOfficialSlowMist
TOTAL $13.7 mln
——[Nov 2020]——————
27thCompound$103 mln liquidatedBitcoin.com
22thPickle Finance$19 mlnOfficialBanteg, rekt
17thOrigin Protocol (OUSD)$7 mlnOfficial
14thValue DeFi [1st]$7 mlnOfficialrekt
12thAkropolis2 mln DAIOfficial
TOTAL $35.1 mln<br />+ $103 mln Compound
——[Oct 2020]——————
26thHarvest Finance$33.8 mlnOfficialTheBlock
TOTAL $33.8 mln
——[Sep 2020]——————
29thEminence Finance$15 mlnrekt
15thiToken (bZx)$8.1 mln (returned)Official
11thSushiSwap$13.8 mln (price crash)Chef NomiZDNet
TOTAL $29 mln
——[Aug 2020]——————
30thChainlink700 ETH (spam attack)CryptoBriefing
10thOpyn Protocol$370kOfficialPeckShield
TOTAL $1.8 mln
——[Jun 2020]——————
28thBalancer Protocol$500kOfficial
TOTAL $0.5 mln
——[Apr 2020]——————
18thLendF.me$25 mlnPeckShield
imBTC Uniswap Pool$300kpNetwork, DeFi Rate
TOTAL $25.3 mln
——[Mar 2020]——————
12thMakerDAO$9 mlnOfficialBlocknative
TOTAL $9 mln
——[Feb 2020]——————
17thbZx4698.02 ETHOfficialPeckShield, palkeo
TOTAL $9.4 mln
——[END OF 2019]——————
TOTAL LOSS~ $2.5 mln
——[Dec 2019]——————
26thSynthetix$2.5 mlnTheBlock
TOTAL $2.5 mln
——[Jun 2019]——————
24thSynthetix37 mln sETH <br />($74 bln @ $2,000/sETH)TheBlock, Etherscan
TOTAL $74 bln

Miscellaneous<a id="misc"></a>

DateTargeted ProtocolExploited/LostPost-MortemAnalysisNote
[Jun 2021]
21stAlchemix$6.5 mlnOfficial 1, Official 2SlowMist, rektReward calcultion error,<br />users received more
16thIron Finance & TITAN$2 bln<br />(+ Mark Cuban)Officialrekt, JeiwanBank-run<br />
[Feb 2020]
27thAndre Cronje of yearn.finance$562kAndre Cronje

Other Resources<a id="other"></a>

Similar compilation: OpenBlockSec; OpenZeppelin Post-Mortems; rekt.news; Halborn

Interesting Hack Loss Leaderboard (from rekt.news)