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Efficient argmin & argmax (in 1 function) with SIMD (SSE, AVX(2), AVX512<sup>1</sup>, NEON<sup>1</sup>) ⚡

<!-- This project uses [SIMD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_instruction,_multiple_data) to compute argmin and argmax in a single function. -->

🚀 The functions are generic over the type of the array, so it can be used on &[T] or Vec<T> where T can be f16<sup>2</sup>, f32<sup>2</sup>, f64<sup>3</sup>, i8, i16, i32, i64, u8, u16, u32, u64.

🤝 The trait is implemented for slice, Vec, 1D ndarray::ArrayBase<sup>4</sup>, apache arrow::PrimitiveArray<sup>5</sup> and arrow2::PrimitiveArray<sup>6</sup>.

Runtime CPU feature detection is used to select the most efficient implementation for the current CPU. This means that the same binary can be used on different CPUs without recompilation.

👀 The SIMD implementation contains no if checks, ensuring that the runtime of the function is independent of the input data its order (best-case = worst-case = average-case).

🪄 Efficient support for f16 and uints: through (bijective aka symmetric) bitwise operations, f16 (optional<sup>1</sup>) and uints are converted to ordered integers, allowing to use integer SIMD instructions.

<i><sup>1</sup> for <code>AVX512</code> and most of <code>NEON</code> you should enable the (default) "nightly_simd" feature (requires nightly Rust).</i>
<i><sup>2</sup> for <code>f16</code> you should enable the "half" feature.</i>
<i><sup>3</sup> for <code>f32</code> and <code>f64</code> you should enable the (default) "float" feature.</i>
<i><sup>4</sup> for <code>ndarray::ArrayBase</code> you should enable the "ndarray" feature.</i>
<i><sup>5</sup> for <code>arrow::PrimitiveArray</code> you should enable the "arrow" feature.</i>
<i><sup>6</sup> for <code>arrow2::PrimitiveArray</code> you should enable the "arrow2" feature.</i>


Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

argminmax = "0.6.1"

Example usage

use argminmax::ArgMinMax;  // import trait

let arr: Vec<i32> = (0..200_000).collect();  // create a vector

let (min, max) = arr.argminmax();  // apply extension

println!("min: {}, max: {}", min, max);
println!("arr[min]: {}, arr[max]: {}", arr[min], arr[max]);



Implemented for ints, uints, and floats (if "float" feature enabled).

Provides the following functions:

<!-- - `argmin`: returns the index of the minimum element in the array. --> <!-- - `argmax`: returns the index of the maximum element in the array. -->

When dealing with NaNs, ArgMinMax its functions ignore NaNs. For more info see Limitations.


Implemented for floats (if "float" feature enabled).

Provides the following functions:

<!-- - `nanargmin`: returns the index of the minimum element in the array. --> <!-- - `nanargmax`: returns the index of the maximum element in the array. -->

When dealing with NaNs, NaNArgMinMax its functions return the first NaN its index. For more info see Limitations.

Tip 💡: if you know that there are no NaNs in your the array, we advise you to use ArgMinMax as this should be 5-30% faster than NaNArgMinMax.



Benchmarks on my laptop (AMD Ryzen 7 4800U, 1.8 GHz, 16GB RAM) using criterion show that the function is 3-20x faster than the scalar implementation (depending of data type).

See /benches/results.

<!-- *For example, finding the argmin & argmax in an array of 10,000,000 random `f32` elements is 3.5x faster than the scalar implementation (taking 2.4ms vs 8.5ms).* -->

Run the benchmarks yourself with the following command:

cargo bench --quiet --message-format=short --features half | grep "time:"


To run the tests use the following command:

cargo test --message-format=short --all-features


The library handles NaNs! 🚀

<!-- For NaN-handling there are two variants: - **Ignore NaN**: NaNs are ignored and the index of the highest / lowest non-NaN value is returned. - **Return NaN**: the first NaN value is returned. -->

Some (minor) limitations:


Some parts of this library are inspired by the great work of minimalrust's argmm project.