


Super-simple react-redux boilerplate with enough useful goodies to develop [and build!] your cool appβ„’, and nothing more ☺️

Installed packages

Also recommended


Install dependencies

yarn install

Build app on development server

yarn run start

A development app will be up on localhost:9999 and any changes to files inside /src will automagically update the app ✨

Build production app

yarn run build:production

Builds a production-ready app in ./build

Host built app (must have been built)

yarn run build:serve

The built production app will be hosted on localhost:8079

Lint code

yarn run format

Cleans your codebase to follow the rules set in your eslintrc file. Useful for CI build tools.

Test app

yarn run test

Runs your tests inside ./test against your app code

yarn run test:watch

Watches your app code and re-runs tests on any changes


FOUC (Flash of Unstyled Content)

To make the hot reloading of CSS work, we are not extracting CSS in development. However, the CSS is extracted to a .css file in the production builds, so you can relaxthat the FOUC will not occur in your production app πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘Œ


Think this boilerplate could be better? Open an issue, make a pull request, or just holla on: iam (at) rossdyson.com