R code and data files from Hadley's "tidy data" presentation
contains the R code, commented and minimally modified, from the first 30 minutes of the video of Hadley Wickham's presentation about tidy data and tidy tools.
The presentation is based on a paper he wrote, and the slides in the video are similar to slides he used when teaching a class at Rice University. The data files referenced in the presentation are currently available on the class website. For convenience, I have included the paper, class slides, and data files in this repo.
Important notes:
- The R code contains the "Billboard" example that can be found in the paper and class slides, but is not shown in the video.
- Besides some trivial modifications, I did modify the code to use functions from the dplyr package instead of plyr. dplyr is the next iteration of plyr, focused on data frames, and is under active development.
- All of the packages used in the R code can be installed from CRAN.
- I welcome any comments, corrections, or questions!