Some bindings to work with Redux DevTools.
This doesn't do any magic and you will have to handle your own encodings to Foreign
and whatever.
Example usage
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
mExt <- DT.getExtension
case mExt of
Just ext -> do
log "Found extension"
-- make instance
inst <- DT.connect ext (DT.mkConnectOptions {})
-- feed initial state to DevTools
DT.init inst (JSON.write initialState)
-- ref where i'll keep my state in this example
ref <- initialState
let handle' = handle inst ref
handle' (add_ 1)
handle' (sub_ 1)
handle' (add_ 1)
-- listen and just print out what we get from DevTools
DT.subscribe inst (log <<< JSON.writeJSON)
Nothing -> do
error "No extension found"
-- handler that will modify my state ref
handle inst ref action = do
s <- Ref.modify (update action) ref
log $ "New action: " <> JSON.writeJSON action
log $ "New state: " <> JSON.writeJSON s
DT.send inst { state: JSON.write s, action: JSON.write action }