Purescript Home Run Ball
A library for applying a row of rules for validation on any values, returning the original data with the rules applied or a list of the rules that failed.
See the blog post about this library.
@joneshf made a cool demo here showing off this library and Sparkle.
Here's some selected excerpts from the tests:
onlyOnApples ::
ValidatedValue (beginsApple :: BeginsWith "Apple") String
-> String
onlyOnApples _ = "U R COOL"
validOf :: forall a errors rules rl
. RowToList rules rl
=> CheckRules rl errors rules a
=> RProxy rules
-> a
-> V (NonEmptyList (Variant errors)) a
validOf _ s = pure s
rules = RProxy :: RProxy (beginsApple :: BeginsWith "Apple")
expected :: V (NonEmptyList (Variant (beginsApple :: String))) String
expected = validOf rules "U R COOL"
main :: _
main = run [consoleReporter] do
describe "purescript-home-run-ball" do
it "works with valid string" do
checkedString = checkRules rules "AppleSDdf"
isValid checkedString `shouldEqual` true
expected `shouldEqual` (onlyOnApples <$> checkedString)