A Cycle.js-like utility for working with Purescript-Event. Aptly named for a circular Korean snack food.
program = runChocoPie main' drivers
main' ::
{ a :: Event Int
, b :: Unit
} ->
{ a :: Event Unit
, b :: Event Int
main' sources =
{ a: mempty
, b: sources.a
drivers ::
{ a :: Event Unit -> Effect (Event Int)
, b :: Event Int -> Effect Unit
drivers =
{ a: const $ pure (pure 1)
, b: \events -> subscribe events logShow
With appropriate context and individual annotations, the type signature annotations are no longer needed.
Usage Exmples
I rewrote some code in my simple-rpc-telegram-bot repo, where I have drivers for running a child process, receiving and sending messages from Telegram, and a timer that ticks for every hour.
type Main
= { torscraper :: Event Result
, bot :: Event Request
, timer :: Event Request
-> { torscraper :: Event Request
, bot :: Event Result
, timer :: Event Unit
main' :: Main
main' sources =
{ torscraper: sources.timer <|>
, bot: sources.torscraper
, timer: mempty
:: Config
-> { torscraper :: Event Request -> Effect (Event Result)
, bot :: Event Result -> Effect (Event Request)
, timer :: Event Unit -> Effect (Event Request)
{ token
, torscraperPath
, master
} =
{ torscraper
, bot
, timer
torscraper requests = do
{ event, push } <- create
_ <- subscribe requests $ handleTorscraper torscraperPath master push
pure event
bot results = do
connection <- connect $ unwrap token
_ <- subscribe results $ sendMessage' connection
messages <- getMessages connection
pure $ { origin: FromUser, id: master } <$ messages
timer _
| tick <- pure unit <|> unit <$ interval (60 * 60 * 1000)
, reqs <- { origin: FromTimer, id: master } <$ tick
= pure reqs
-- runChocoPie main' (drivers config)
I also have a simpler example in atarime-purescript for similar usage of this library.