a demo using Generics-SOP and Records-SOP to get enough information out from phantom type definitions and normal data types to output some purescript code (GHC8 Generics version moved to separate branch)
a sane approach to this would probably use the purescript compiler library to actually build up the correct AST and output those using the various utilities in the compiler. however, as a madman, i have not thought to do this in a maintainable manner -- only to teach myself that such a thing is possible.
Records-SOP especially allows the code for record handling to be as simple as
class ExtractFields f where
extractFields :: g f -> [String]
( ExtractFields xs
, KnownSymbol name
, PSTypeName a
) => ExtractFields ('(name, a) : xs) where
extractFields _ = x : extractFields (Proxy @ xs)
name = symbolVal (Proxy @ name)
value = getTypeName (Proxy @ a)
x = name ++ " :: " ++ value
instance ExtractFields '[] where
extractFields _ = []
behold, the output:
files :: Route Unused (Array Path)
files =
{ method: GET
, url: "/api/files"
watched :: Route Unused (Array WatchedData)
watched =
{ method: GET
, url: "/api/watched"
open :: Route OpenRequest Success
open =
{ method: POST
, url: "/api/open"
update :: Route FileData (Array WatchedData)
update =
{ method: POST
, url: "/api/update"
newtype Unused = Unused String
newtype Path = Path String
newtype Flag = Flag Boolean
newtype FileData = FileData
{ path :: Path
, watched :: Flag
newtype OpenRequest = OpenRequest
{ path :: Path
newtype WatchedData = WatchedData
{ path :: Path
, created :: Created
newtype Success = Success
{ status :: Status