

npm version


A web component that displays an STL model with three.js and Lit.

screenshot of stl-part-viewer



This web component is built with Polymer 3 and ES modules in mind and is available on NPM:

Install stl-part-viewer:

npm i @justinribeiro/stl-part-viewer
# or
yarn add @justinribeiro/stl-part-viewer

After install, import into your project:

import 'stl-part-viewer';

Finally, use as required:

<stl-part-viewer src="part.stl"></stl-part-viewer>


The web component allows certain attributes to be give a little additional flexibility.

srcLocation of the STL file you want the viewer to load``
fullscreenText value of the full screen buttonFull Screen
backgroundcolorSet the background color of the scene; rgb(), hsl(), or X11 color string0xf1f1f1
floorcolorSet the floor plane color; rgb(), hsl(), or X11 color string0x666666
modelcolorSet the model color; rgb(), hsl(), or X11 color string0xfffe57

Polyfills Required

stl-part-viewer utilizes Custom Elements and Shadow DOM (Web Components), and Intersection Observer. You may need the Lit polyfill-support depending on what you're trying to target.

Within your project, you can load them as such:

<script src="../node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
<script src="../node_modules/lit/platform-support.js">
<script src="../node_modules/intersection-observer/intersection-observer.js"></script>