- an IDE for Common Lisp
- slimv (Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Vim) and tmux (terminal multiplexer) in a Docker container
- with sbcl and abcl
- you choose one at container run time with an environment variable (see below)
- also including:
- quicklisp
- a copy of the common lisp hyperspec (for offline use)
- which opens with w3m.vim (a vim plugin for w3m)
- support for CEPL on a system without hardware acceleration
- fzf (fuzzy finder)
- to find files in your current host directory press
- to find files in quicklisp packages press
:FZF ~
- then press ctrl-x to bring that selected file into a horizontal split
- to find files in your current host directory press
- vim-sexp
- if you want to disable structural editing you can edit
, comment outPlugin 'guns/vim-sexp'
, and rebuild the image
- if you want to disable structural editing you can edit
- setting up slimv the first time took me a few hours and that could be an impediment to someone attempting to use slimv so i wanted to remove the impediment for first time slimv users
you need to have docker installed
you'll probably want to follow the instructions referenced by "Continue to Linux postinstall to allow non-privileged users to run Docker commands and for other optional configuration steps."
then you have to build this image yourself
- clone this repo and cd into it
docker build --build-arg=uid=`id -u` --build-arg=gid=`id -g` -t justin2004/slimv_box .
- then i would create an alias in your .bashrc like this
- for sbcl
alias vv='docker run --user=`id -u`:`id -u` -e CL_IMPLEMENTATION=sbcl --net=host --rm -it -v `pwd`:/mnt justin2004/slimv_box'
- then another
- for abcl
alias vva='docker run --user=`id -u`:`id -u` -e CL_IMPLEMENTATION=abcl --net=host --rm -it -v `pwd`:/mnt justin2004/slimv_box'
- then perhaps another
- if you want to output to X11 (for CEPL)
alias vvc='docker run -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v ~/.Xauthority:/home/containeruser/.Xauthority -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --user=`id -u`:`id -u` --rm -it --e CL_IMPLEMENTATION=sbcl --net=host -v `pwd`:/mnt justin2004/slimv_box'
assuming you've built the image already
cd to the directory where you have some common lisp source files you want to edit
run "vv"
now you should be in the container and vim should be running inside tmux
either create a new file ":e newfile.lisp" or open an existing one ":e oldfile.lisp"
press ,c to start swank
you can now follow the tutorial:
when you are done editing your .lisp files be sure to :w them, press ,Q to quit the sbcl REPL, then :q
- if you don't want to wait for the quicklisp downloads each time you start slimv_box then use a docker volume
- e.g.
alias vv='docker run --user=`id -u`:`id -u` --rm -it --net=host -v slimv_box_userhome:/home/containeruser -v `pwd`:/mnt justin2004/slimv_box'
only files in the /mnt directory (in the container) are saved when you leave vim!
don't run vv from within an existing tmux session or else you'll end up with an embedded tmux session
you'll need to know how to use:
- vim
- tmux
- common lisp
- docker (well you just need docker ce installed and your user account needs to be in the docker group)
TODO maybe i should add gvim and/or xterm support so that the slimv menu is visible and clickable because i bet some users would prefer the GUI-ish approach to slimv