

Titanium Web Proxy

A lightweight HTTP(S) proxy server written in C#.

.NET Core Join the chat at https://gitter.im/Titanium-Web-Proxy/Lobby

Report bugs or raise issues here. For programming help use StackOverflow with the tag Titanium-Web-Proxy.



Install by nuget

For beta releases on beta branch

Install-Package Titanium.Web.Proxy -Pre

For stable releases on stable branch

Install-Package Titanium.Web.Proxy


Note to contributors

Road map


The owner of this project, justcoding121, is considered to be inactive from this project due to his busy work schedule. However, we have a collaborator listed below who time and again shows up to maintain this project. Please create pull requests prioritizing bug fixes for the attention of collaborators.

Development environment


Mac OS



Refer the HTTP Proxy Server library in your project and look up the test project to learn usage.

Setup HTTP proxy:

var proxyServer = new ProxyServer();

// locally trust root certificate used by this proxy 

// optionally set the Certificate Engine
// Under Mono only BouncyCastle will be supported
//proxyServer.CertificateManager.CertificateEngine = Network.CertificateEngine.BouncyCastle;

proxyServer.BeforeRequest += OnRequest;
proxyServer.BeforeResponse += OnResponse;
proxyServer.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += OnCertificateValidation;
proxyServer.ClientCertificateSelectionCallback += OnCertificateSelection;

var explicitEndPoint = new ExplicitProxyEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8000, true)
    // Use self-issued generic certificate on all https requests
    // Optimizes performance by not creating a certificate for each https-enabled domain
    // Useful when certificate trust is not required by proxy clients
   //GenericCertificate = new X509Certificate2(Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "genericcert.pfx"), "password")

// Fired when a CONNECT request is received
explicitEndPoint.BeforeTunnelConnectRequest += OnBeforeTunnelConnectRequest;

// An explicit endpoint is where the client knows about the existence of a proxy
// So client sends request in a proxy friendly manner

// Transparent endpoint is useful for reverse proxy (client is not aware of the existence of proxy)
// A transparent endpoint usually requires a network router port forwarding HTTP(S) packets or DNS
// to send data to this endPoint
var transparentEndPoint = new TransparentProxyEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8001, true)
    // Generic Certificate hostname to use
    // when SNI is disabled by client
    GenericCertificateName = "google.com"


//proxyServer.UpStreamHttpProxy = new ExternalProxy() { HostName = "localhost", Port = 8888 };
//proxyServer.UpStreamHttpsProxy = new ExternalProxy() { HostName = "localhost", Port = 8888 };

foreach (var endPoint in proxyServer.ProxyEndPoints)
Console.WriteLine("Listening on '{0}' endpoint at Ip {1} and port: {2} ",
    endPoint.GetType().Name, endPoint.IpAddress, endPoint.Port);

// Only explicit proxies can be set as system proxy!

// wait here (You can use something else as a wait function, I am using this as a demo)

// Unsubscribe & Quit
explicitEndPoint.BeforeTunnelConnectRequest -= OnBeforeTunnelConnectRequest;
proxyServer.BeforeRequest -= OnRequest;
proxyServer.BeforeResponse -= OnResponse;
proxyServer.ServerCertificateValidationCallback -= OnCertificateValidation;
proxyServer.ClientCertificateSelectionCallback -= OnCertificateSelection;


Sample request and response event handlers

private async Task OnBeforeTunnelConnectRequest(object sender, TunnelConnectSessionEventArgs e)
    string hostname = e.HttpClient.Request.RequestUri.Host;

    if (hostname.Contains("dropbox.com"))
         // Exclude Https addresses you don't want to proxy
         // Useful for clients that use certificate pinning
         // for example dropbox.com
         e.DecryptSsl = false;

public async Task OnRequest(object sender, SessionEventArgs e)

    // read request headers
    var requestHeaders = e.HttpClient.Request.Headers;

    var method = e.HttpClient.Request.Method.ToUpper();
    if ((method == "POST" || method == "PUT" || method == "PATCH"))
        // Get/Set request body bytes
        byte[] bodyBytes = await e.GetRequestBody();

        // Get/Set request body as string
        string bodyString = await e.GetRequestBodyAsString();
        // store request 
        // so that you can find it from response handler 
        e.UserData = e.HttpClient.Request;

    // To cancel a request with a custom HTML content
    // Filter URL
    if (e.HttpClient.Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri.Contains("google.com"))
        e.Ok("<!DOCTYPE html>" +
            "<html><body><h1>" +
            "Website Blocked" +
            "</h1>" +
            "<p>Blocked by titanium web proxy.</p>" +
            "</body>" +

    // Redirect example
    if (e.HttpClient.Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri.Contains("wikipedia.org"))

// Modify response
public async Task OnResponse(object sender, SessionEventArgs e)
    // read response headers
    var responseHeaders = e.HttpClient.Response.Headers;

    //if (!e.ProxySession.Request.Host.Equals("medeczane.sgk.gov.tr")) return;
    if (e.HttpClient.Request.Method == "GET" || e.HttpClient.Request.Method == "POST")
        if (e.HttpClient.Response.StatusCode == 200)
            if (e.HttpClient.Response.ContentType != null && e.HttpClient.Response.ContentType.Trim().ToLower().Contains("text/html"))
                byte[] bodyBytes = await e.GetResponseBody();

                string body = await e.GetResponseBodyAsString();
    if (e.UserData != null)
        // access request from UserData property where we stored it in RequestHandler
        var request = (Request)e.UserData;

// Allows overriding default certificate validation logic
public Task OnCertificateValidation(object sender, CertificateValidationEventArgs e)
    // set IsValid to true/false based on Certificate Errors
    if (e.SslPolicyErrors == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.None)
        e.IsValid = true;

    return Task.CompletedTask;

// Allows overriding default client certificate selection logic during mutual authentication
public Task OnCertificateSelection(object sender, CertificateSelectionEventArgs e)
    // set e.clientCertificate to override
    return Task.CompletedTask;

Console example application screenshot

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GUI example application screenshot

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