

Kickoff Tailwind

A free and simple starting point for Ruby on Rails 7 applications.. This particular template utilizes Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.

Included gems

Tailwind CSS by default

This template comes with Tailwind CSS preconfigured for use. To make use of tools like @apply and @layer a more sophisticated setup is required likely using PostCSS and JavaScript bundling.

How it works

When creating a new rails app simply pass the template filename and ruby extension through. I opt for esbuild instead of the default importmap configuration for JavaScript.

$ rails new sample_app -j esbuild -m template.rb

Once installed what do I get?

Boot it up

$ ./bin/dev

Watch an overview

📹 Coming soon!


Made by @justalever (yours truly). Find me on Twitter, web-crunch.com, GitHub.