

Design-first privacy notice template

The Juro Privacy Notice is an open source project by https://juro.com and https://stefaniapassera.com/.

A couple of years ago, we set out to build <b>a privacy notice that people could actually read</b>. This led to a 13,000% increase in views of the notice. The policy is now one of the most commonly-cited policies in the world and is frequently used as an example of clean information design.

Check it out here: https://juro.com/#privacy-popup

<img src="https://info.juro.com/hubfs/juro-privacy-policy-template-thumb-v2.png" alt="Juro privacy policy" width="644" height="615" />

Now, you can use the design patterns created for the Juro privacy notice on your own website privacy notice for free! <b>You just need to include a credit with this wording and these links: "This privacy notice is based on an open-sourced design from <a href="https://juro.com" target="_blank">Juro</a>  and <a href="https://stefaniapassera.com" target="_blank">Stefania Passera</a>  - get your own <a href="https://info.juro.com/privacy-policy-template" target="_blank">free privacy policy template</a></b>."

The privacy design patterns offered include:

See the technical readme file for developer instructions on how you can deploy these privacy design patterns in your own privacy notice.

If you build your website with Webflow, <a href="https://bearer.sh" target="_blank">Bearer</a> has adapted these design patterns into a <a href="https://webflow.com/website/privacy-policy-template-bearer" target="_blank">free Webflow template</a> you can clone and customise. Note you must still include in the Webflow template the credit above.

<b>IMPORTANT LEGAL STUFF</b> (hence the scary capital letters...)

Subject to the below Juro Online Limited (known as Juro) and Stefania Passera grant you a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive right to use the design patterns in the privacy notice and the code base in this repository.