


This repository implements the main algorithm of the following paper (Project website):

author = {Oh, Junhyuk and Guo, Xiaoxiao and Lee, Honglak and Lewis, Richard L and Singh, Satinder},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28},
editor = {Cortes, C and Lawrence, N D and Lee, D D and Sugiyama, M and Garnett, R and Garnett, R},
pages = {2845--2853},
publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
title = {{Action-Conditional Video Prediction using Deep Networks in Atari Games}},
year = {2015}


This repository contains a modified version of Caffe and uses its python wrapper (pycaffe). <br /> Please check the following instruction to compile Caffe: http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/installation.html. <br /> After installing the libraries required by Caffe, you should be able to compile the code succesfully as follows:

cd caffe
make pycaffe

Data structure

The data directories should be organized as follows:

./[game name]/train/[%04d]/[%05d].png  # training images
./[game name]/train/[%04d]/act.log     # training actions
./[game name]/test/[%04d]/[%05d].png   # testing images
./[game name]/test/[%04d]/act.log      # testing actions
./[game name]/mean.binaryproto         # mean pixel image

[%04d] and [%05d] correspond to episode index and frame index respectively (starting from 0). <br /> Each line of act.log file specifies the action index (starting from 0) chosen by the player for each time step. <br />

[action idx at time 0]
[action idx at time 1]
[action idx at time 2]

The mean pixel values should be computed over the entire training images and be converted to binaryproto using Caffe. <br />


The following scripts are provided for training:

The following command shows how to run training scripts:

cd [game name]
../train_cnn.sh [num_actions] [gpu_id]
../train_lstm.sh [num_actions] [gpu_id]
../train.sh [model_type] [result_prefix] [lr] [num_act] [...]


The following scripts are provided for testing:

The following command shows how to run the testing script:

cd [game name]
../test_cnn.sh [weights] [num_actions] [num_step] [gpu_id]
../test_lstm.sh [weights] [num_actions] [num_step] [gpu_id]
../test.sh [model_type] [weights] [num_action] [num_input_frames] [num_step] [gpu_id] [...]
font = ImageFont.truetype('[path for a font]', 20)


This repository uses ADAM optimization method, while RMSProp is used in the original paper. We found that ADAM converges more quickly, and 3-step training is almost enough to get reasonable results.