


VIM (VIM 7 and up) plugin for subversion (svn), GIT, HG and BZR repositories. Support for browsing the repository, working copy, bookmarks. Autocompletes command options, file(s), dir(s), repo url(s)

<b>NOTE</b>: svnj.vim users, replace all settings from svnj_ to vc_


##Supported Operations


Has following modes, see help vc-filter for examples

  1. <b>FUZZY</b> : Performs fuzzy search by default. Toggle using global options or on the fly using & as suffix. See examples in help

  2. <b>ARGS</b> : Accepts arguments to command executed from browse output, Toggle using key, use ? at filter to see the key

  3. <b>VER</b> : When opening files for affected mode, when on, opens corresponding versioned file, when off opens local file Toggle using key, use ? at filter to see the key

  4. <b>STICKY</b> : Have the filter/prompt as sticky when enabled Toggle using key, use ? at filter to see the key


  1. <b>Sort</b> : Sort the ouput on key <F8>, If o/p has date will sort on date else the contents

##Global Options :help vc-options and :help vc-customize

##Recomended settings at .vimrc

let g:vc_browse_cache_all = 1 This enables caching, Listing of files will be faster, On MAC/Unix the default location is $HOME/.cache. A new directory vc will be created in the specified directory.

For windows this option must be specified along with the cache dir
let g:vc_cache_dir="C:/Users/user1"

let g:vc_branch_url = ["svn://", "svn://"] This settings when available will provide menu's to navigate available branches and tags for VCLog

let g:vc_trunk_url = "svn://"; This settings when available will provide menu's to navigate trunk files for VCLog


###Options 1: (Pathogen Users)

  1. cd ~/.vim/bundle
  2. git clone https://github.com/juneedahamed/vc.vim

##Basic Usage

Run from vim commandline

:VCBlame :VCDiff :VCLog :VCStatus :VCCopy :VCMove :VCRevert :VCCommit :VCCommits :VCAdd :VCIncoming :VCOutgoing :VCFetch :VCPull :VCPush :VCBrowse :VCBrowseWorkingCopy :VCBrowseRepo :VCBrowseBookMarks :VCBrowseMyList :VCBrowseBuffer :help vc