



Screenshot / OwnStyleBookmarks / ContextMenuInFileManager / History


wyeb is inspired by dwb and luakit, so basically usage is similar to them.



'discount(markdown)' 'perl-file-mimeinfo' are used only in the main.conf

sudo make install

For testing, make and run without install


For arch linux: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/wyeb-git/


Also there are Tips

<pre> usage: wyeb [[[suffix] action|""] uri|arg|""] wyeb google.com wyeb new google.com wyeb / new google.com suffix: Process ID. It is added to all directories conf, cache and etc. '/' is default. '//' means $SUFFIX. action: Such as new(default), open, opennew ... Except 'new' and some, without a set of $SUFFIX and $WINID, actions are sent to the window last focused mouse: rocker gesture: left press and - right: back left press and move right and right: forward left press and move up and right: raise bottom window and close left press and move down and right: raise next window and close middle button: on a link : new background window on free space : winlist press and move left : raise bottom window press and move right : raise next window press and move up : go to top press and move down : go to bottom press and scroll up : go to top press and scroll down: go to bottom context-menu: You can add your own script to context-menu. See 'menu' dir in the config dir, or click 'editMenu' in the context-menu. ISCALLBACK, SUFFIX, WINID, WINSLEN, CURRENTSET, URI, TITLE, FOCUSURI, LINK, LINK_OR_URI, LINKLABEL, LABEL_OR_TITLE, MEDIA, IMAGE, MEDIA_IMAGE_LINK, WINX, WINY, WIDTH, HEIGHT, CANBACK, CANFORWARD, PRIMARY/SELECTION, SECONDARY, CLIPBORAD, DLDIR and CONFDIR are set as environment variables. Available actions are in the 'key:' section below. Of course it supports directories and '.'. '.' hides it from the menu but still available in the accels. accels: You can add your own keys to access context-menu items we added. To add Ctrl-Z to GtkAccelMap, insert '&lt;Primary&gt;&lt;Shift&gt;z' to the last "" in the file 'accels' in the conf directory assigned 'c' key, and remove the ';' at the beginning of the line. alt is &lt;Alt&gt;. key: #4 - is ctrl #(null) is only for script 0 - Escape : tonormal : To Normal Mode 4 - bracketleft: tonormal : 0 - i : toinsert : 0 - I : toinsertinput : To Insert Mode with focus of first input 0 - p : topointer : pp resets damping. Esc clears pos. Press enter/space makes btn press 0 - P : topointermdl : Makes middle click 4 - p : topointerright : right click 0 - f : tohint : 0 - F : tohintnew : 0 - t : tohintback : 0 - d : tohintdl : dl is Download 0 - T : tohintbookmark : 4 - r : tohintrangenew : Open new windows 0 - D : showdldir : 0 - y : yankuri : Clipboard 0 - Y : yanktitle : Clipboard 0 - b : bookmark : arg: "" or "uri + ' ' + label" 0 - B : bookmarkbreak : Add line break to the main page 0 - q : quit : 0 - Q : quitall : 0 - j : scrolldown : 0 - k : scrollup : 0 - h : scrollleft : 0 - l : scrollright : 4 - j : arrowdown : 4 - k : arrowup : 4 - h : arrowleft : 4 - l : arrowright : 4 - f : pagedown : 4 - b : pageup : 4 - d : halfdown : 4 - u : halfup : 0 - g : top : 0 - G : bottom : 0 - plus : zoomin : 0 - minus : zoomout : 0 - equal : zoomreset : 0 - J : nextwin : 0 - K : prevwin : 0 - x : quitnext : Raise next win and quit current win 0 - X : quitprev : 0 - z : winlist : 0 - H : back : 0 - L : forward : 0 - s : stop : 0 - r : reload : 0 - R : reloadbypass : Reload bypass cache 0 - slash : find : 0 - n : findnext : 0 - N : findprev : 0 - asterisk : findselection : 0 - o : open : 0 - w : opennew : New window 0 - O : edituri : Edit arg or focused link or current page's URI 0 - W : editurinew : 0 - colon : showhelp : 0 - M : showhistory : 4 - m : showhistoryall : 0 - m : showmainpage : 4 - C : clearallwebsitedata: 0 - e : edit : Edit current uri conf or mainpage 0 - E : editconf : 0 - c : openconfigdir : 0 - v : setv : Use the 'set:v' group 4 - s : setscript : Use the 'set:script' group 4 - i : setimage : set:image 0 - u : unset : 0 - a : addwhitelist : Add URIs blocked to whiteblack.conf as white list 0 - A : addblacklist : URIs loaded 4 - e : textlink : For text elements in insert mode 0 - (null) : set : Use 'set:' + arg group of main.conf. This toggles 0 - (null) : set2 : Not toggle 0 - (null) : setstack : arg == NULL ? remove last : add set without checking duplicate 0 - (null) : new : 0 - (null) : newclipboard : Open [arg + ' ' +] clipboard text in a new window 0 - (null) : newselection : Open [arg + ' ' +] selection ... 0 - (null) : newsecondary : Open [arg + ' ' +] secondaly ... 0 - (null) : findclipboard : 0 - (null) : findsecondary : 0 - (null) : tohintopen : not click but opens uri as opennew/back 0 - (null) : openback : 0 - (null) : openwithref : Current uri is sent as Referer 0 - (null) : download : 0 - (null) : dlwithheaders : Current uri is sent as Referer. Also cookies 0 - (null) : showmsg : 0 - (null) : raise : 0 - (null) : winpos : x:y 0 - (null) : winsize : w:h 0 - (null) : click : x:y 0 - (null) : openeditor : 0 - (null) : spawn : arg is called with environment variables 0 - (null) : sh : sh -c arg with env vars 0 - (null) : shjs : sh(arg2) with javascript(arg)'s $RESULT 0 - (null) : shhint : sh with envs selected by a hint 0 - (null) : shrange : sh with envs selected by ranged hints 0 - (null) : shsrc : sh with src of current page via pipe 0 - (null) : cookies : ` wyeb // cookies $URI 'sh -c "echo $RESULT"' ` prints headers. Make sure, the callbacks of wyeb are async. The stdout is not caller's but first process's stdout. </pre> <hr> <pre>

Copyright 2017-2020 jun7

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
