


JUMP-MOA is list of compounds with diverse MOAs that fit on a single 384-well plate, with 4 replicates per compound. There are 90 compounds from 47 distinct MOA classes. The recommended concentration for these compounds is 3 uM. This resource was created through the JUMP-Cell Painting Consortium.

The MOA annotations were obtained from https://clue.io/repurposing.

The company Specs has assembled the compounds for purchase; for info contact tamara.baptist@specs.net

How does JUMP-MOA differ from JUMP-Target-Compound? JUMP-MOA and JUMP-Target-Compound are similar in goals: to allow testing whether a compound can "retrieve" (match) replicates of itself, and also whether it can retrieve compounds with the same annotated mechanism (though the mechanism annotations are imperfect).



broad_sampleCompound ID in Broad Institute's compound management database
pert_inameCompound name
pubchem_cidPubChem ID e.g. 72716071
moaMechanism-of-action annotation, derived from Broad Drug Repurposing Hub and curated here
smilesSimplified molecular-input line-entry system (SMILES) string
InChIInternational Chemical Identifier corresponding to smiles
InChIKeyInChIKey generated from InChI

smiles was standardized using JUMP-CP Standardizer. See https://github.com/jump-cellpainting/JUMP-MOA/pull/13 for details about the standardization.


well_positionWell position
broad_sampleCompound ID in Broad Institute's compound management database
solventSolvent (always DMSO)

Plate layout

Plate layout

De-identified compounds

Eight of these compounds have been de-identified; they have broad_sample values of Compound1, Compound2, ..., Compound8. If you are recreating this plate, we recommend replacing these de-identified compounds with their (non-de-identified) counterparts i.e. the other compound in the set with the same MOA:

HMGCR inhibitordelta-TocotrienolCompound1
kinesin inhibitorispinesibCompound2
BCL inhibitorABT-737Compound3
PARP inhibitorveliparibCompound4
IGF-1 inhibitorNVP-AEW541Compound5
tricyclic antidepressantdosulepinCompound6
FGFR inhibitorBLU9931Compound7
phosphodiesterase inhibitorquazinoneCompound8

Broad internal notes