

Multi-Agent MCTS

Multi-agent Monte Carlo Tree Search implementation in C++.



Installation & Test


SimpleState is a 1D chain environment with two agents. The agents move towards the goal state if they select different actions. They remain at the current state if they select the same action.

20 iterations yield the following search tree with SimpleState. Stage nodes are enclosed within dotted boxes and contain the statistic informations for each agent in circles. Edges correspond to an action of one agent with action-value V and visit count N indicated.

Search tree example


If you use this code please cite it as:

  title = {{MA-MCTS}: A configurable library for Multi-Agent Monte Carlo Tree Search in C++},
  author = "{Julian Bernhard}",
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/juloberno/mamcts}},
  url = "https://github.com/juloberno/mamcts",
  year = 2019,
  note = "[Online; accessed 25-June-2019]"