


Get all DB stations located in the same german city as the given Flix (Flixbus/Flixtrain) station or region, and vice versa.

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npm install db-flix-cities


Only works for german cities/stations at the moment, other (neighbouring) european countries will hopefully be supported at some point in the future, though.

const adapter = require('db-flix-cities')

This package contains data in the Friendly Public Transport Format.

const adapter = require('db-flix-cities')

adapter.toDB({type: 'region', id: '88'}).then(…) // list of db station objects for flix region Berlin
adapter.toDB({type: 'station', id: '89'}).then(…) // list of db station objects for flix station Bremen
adapter.toDB('89').then(…) // will be interpreted as {type: 'station', id: '89'}

adapter.toFlix({type: 'station', id: '8012666'}).then(…) // list of flix station objects for Potsdam Hbf
adapter.toFlix('8012666').then(…) // will be interpreted as {type: 'station', id: '8012666'}
adapter.toFlixRegions('8002045').then(…) // list of flix region objects for Frankfurt(-Eschersheim)

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If you found a bug, want to propose a feature or feel the urge to complain about your life, feel free to visit the issues page.