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This project is a fork of http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~pdebruic/iCal/ to create a full compatibility with the Pharo environments.

It provides objects to manipulate ICalendar objects (ie reading/writing).

Do not hesitate to check the wiki for examples, I'll try to make it usefull to get started with this lib!

Load the package

To load the package in your image simply run:

Metacello new
    baseline: 'ICal';
    repository: 'github://juliendelplanque/pharo-ical/src';

Make this project a dependency of you project:

Simply add these lines to your Metacello configuration:

spec baseline: 'ICal' with: [
    spec repository: 'github://juliendelplanque/pharo-ical/src' ].


To contribute to the project,


Smalltalkhub's README (supported features)

iCalendar import and export. iCalendar is supported by Mozilla products, Apple iCal and even Microsoft Outlook.

Support for freebusy time is limited, the rest should work.

Based on work done by David Röthlisberger and Vera Fischer for SW2Calendar


iCalendar is Version 2 of vCalendar, so it's supported too. Status is same as iCalendar.
