


Diagrams as data.


What is it?

d2 by Terrastruct is a text domain specific language for expressing a diagram. It is also a native executable which converts the d2 text into the diagram itself e.g. svg, png etc.

dictim is a data-ized version of d2, for when you want to describe your diagram as data rather than text. If you already have the data that describes a diagram in a database or source control, you can build a dictim representation of a diagram from that data. dictim is also a compiler which converts the dictim format into d2.

dictim server is a handy easy-to-deploy microservice which offers a REST api to convert dictim in json form into diagrams.

A one stop shop for: dictim -> d2 -> diagram


Diagrams as data.

Producing diagrams dynamically from data is a powerful way to understand a complex system. Not only does it automate away a lot of work, but also opens up new possibilities. Imagine being able to highlight certain aspects of your diagram during a presentation, change the scope of the data shown in response to a question or group/ slice the data in a different way as the thought occurs.

Ordinary diagrams go stale over time, but data driven diagrams are generated at the point that you need them from the most up to date data.


<table style="float:middle"> <tr> <td><img src="images/gallery1.svg" width=250 height=250></td> <td><img src="images/gallery2.svg" width=250 height=250></td> <td><img src="images/gallery3.svg" width=250 height=250></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="images/gallery6.svg" width=250 height=250></td> <td><img src="images/gallery8.png" width=250 height=250></td> <td><img src="images/gallery7.svg" width=250 height=250></td> </tr> </table>


TODO A todo is to build a second high-level api dedicated to sequence diagrams.


There are two options for deploying dictim server: as a standalone microservice jar or as a container that runs the microservice.


Before building one of these options, you might wish to configure the build..

In the resources directory are a few configuration files that you might wish to change.

Standalone webserver jar

You'll need Clojure installed for this option to build the jar.

This option requires you to have d2 installed locally, and the d2 layout engine 'tala' if you choose to use it.

First let's clone the ditectory and cd into it:

git clone https://github.com/judepayne/dictim.server.git && cd dictim.server

then, build the standalone jar file:

clj -T:build uber

This will produce a target/ folder in the dictim.server directory. Within that you'll find a jar called named dictimserver-standalone.jar.

You can run this from where it is, or move it to somewhere else, e.g. a different machine.

Then run it with:

java -jar /<path>/<to>/dictimserver-standalone.jar

From another terminal you can use curl to post the example command above to the /graph api.

As a container

First let's clone the ditectory and cd into it:

git clone https://github.com/judepayne/dictim.server.git && cd dictim.server

In the dictim.server folder there is a Dockerfile that can be used to build a container than builds the standalone webserver and downloads and installs d2 so it's a complete solution for hosting dictim.server.

Let's build the container image. You should have Docker or Podman or another container management solution installed that is api compatible with Docker.


This script accept the container management program as an argument, defaults to 'docker', but if you you another container manager, e.g. podman, you can pass that as an argument to the script e.g.

./script/build.sh podman

Let's start the new container


You can pass in the name of an alternative container management program to the script as before.

That will start the container and the webserver within it listening on port 5001 (or the port you've set in the configure step) exposed through to your local machine.

Try posting to the webserver using any of the sample curl commands in resources/sample.txt



Copyright © 2024 Jude Payne

Distributed under the MIT License