

JXC Logo

What is JXC?

JXC is a structured data language similar to JSON, but with a focus on being expressive, extensible, and human-friendly. It's fantastic in many use-cases that can be awkward in other data formats. It's a perfect fit for config files, especially ones with more complex needs. It also does not sacrifice speed - benchmarks show that the reference implementation is about as fast as many commonly used C++ JSON libraries.

Important Note: JXC has not yet reached version 1.0. The current goal is to ship a 1.0 release in early 2023. The 1.0 release will come with a strong commitment to backwards compatibility for the language syntax. Along with this, the reference implementation will switch to semantic versioning - no breaking changes allowed except for major version bumps. The version numbers for the language and reference libraries will also likely be decoupled at this time, so they can evolve independently.

If you have feedback on the language syntax or semantics, now is the best time to offer them, while breaking changes are still allowed.

Until 1.0 is released, expect a few language and API changes.

What does it look like?

    # Comments!
    literal_types: [ null, true, false ]
    integers: [ -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 4e6, 0xff, 0o644, 0b011011 ]
    floats: [ 3.141, -2.5, 1e-4, nan, +inf, -inf ]
    annotations: vec3[ 0.1, -0.4, 3.141 ]
    numeric_suffixes: [ 4px, 25%, 5mm, 22.3cm ]
    dates_and_datetimes: [ dt'2023-02-09', dt'2017-11-22T11:45:02Z' ]
    strings: [
        'Single-quoted string'
        "Double-quoted string"
    raw_strings: r"HEREDOC(
        Raw strings, which support standard heredoc syntax
        so you don't need to worry about escaping anything
    base64_strings: b64'anhjIGZvcm1hdA=='

Core Language Tenets

Core Features

Reference Implementation Details

The JXC reference implementation library has a two-stage parser. The first parsing stage handles JXC's syntax and yields a clear list of elements without allocating any memory for your data. The second-stage parser takes these elements and converts them into the appropriate data types, allocating memory however is needed for your environment. This means that language bindings are very efficient because each scripting language can have its own second-stage parser that allows that language to manage memory and data types appropriately. There are several second-stage parsers you can use depending on your use-case. If your application uses the C++ stdlib, you can use the C++ second-stage parser that uses a union type (jxc::Value) which can contain any valid JXC value as well as their associated annotations and numeric suffixes. If you have more complex needs (such as integrating with a game engine), writing a custom second-stage parser is not difficult (there is an example custom parser in jxc_examples/src/custom_parser.cpp).

Python Usage

JXC includes first-class, fully featured Python bindings. It has two APIs - one that works similarly to json.loads and json.dumps, and a more flexible but verbose one.

Parsing in Python

>>> import jxc
>>> print(jxc.loads("[1, 2, true, null, {}, dt'1999-07-18']"))
[1, 2, True, None, {}, datetime.date(1999, 7, 18)]

Serializing in Python

>>> import jxc, datetime
>>> print(jxc.dumps([1, 2, True, None, {}, datetime.date(1999, 7, 18)]))

Editor Integration

Visual Studio Code

Copy the directory contrib/jxc.vscode into the extensions directory in your Visual Studio Code user data directory (on Windows, this is %USERPROFILE%/.vscode/extensions).

Sublime Text and Sublime Merge

Copy the directory contrib/JXC.sublime-package into the Packages directory in your Sublime Text user data directory (on Windows, this is %APPDATA%/Sublime Text/Packages). You can open this directory by opening the Preferences menu in Sublime Text and clicking Browse Packages.

Installing this package for Sublime Text will also enable it in Sublime Merge.