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What is this ?

akamai-time-reference is a Node.js package to get the exact current time using Akamai's Time Reference service.

It has only two depedencies :

What it isn't

How it works ?

const timeRef = require('akamai-time-reference');

timeRef.now().then(function(now) {
// >> Tue Sep 15 2015 21:36:53 GMT+0200 (CEST)

timeRef.now().then(function(refNow) {
  console.log('Local clock desync ins ms : %d', Date.now() - refNow);
// >> Local clock desync ins ms : 12765

The now() function can be passed an argument, which, if true, will skip the cache (to force a HTTP request).

const timeRef = require('akamai-time-reference');

// >> HTTP request
// >> NO HTTP request, used cache
// >> HTTP request


You can change some options like using setOptions by passing it an object with one/some of theses properties :

  cacheTTL: 5000, // How often do we make a request to akamai, in ms (<=0 to disable)
  useHTTP: false, // Use the HTTP protocol instead of HTTP**S**
  timeout: 2000, // Request timeout value, in ms

// or just one :

timeRef.setOptions({ cacheTTL: 1000 });

(Above example gives you the default values).

Changing an/some options is done for every future calls (in the process), globally.

setOptions will return the current options (You can pass an empty object to just get them).