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🤖️ AI Twitter History

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📈 Trends

🕰️ Timeline

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<a name="intro"></a>🤖 AI Twitter History

Since AI exploded onto the scene in late 2022, Twitter has been at the cutting edge of the hype. AI news spreads like wildfire on Twitter making it a great place to track new developments, products, and trends.

Unfortunately, every hot new AI thing brings with it a crowd of AI influencers peddling some message about what that thing means for society. Some messages are informative. Some are pushing a narrative. Others are pure clickbait.

In this repo, I want to zoom out a bit and present the history of AI Twitter in way that highlights:

I'm also hoping I can shine some light on when certain events occurred and just how close together those events are.

<a name="sponsor"></a>🤝 Our Sponsor

HustleGPT Companion Guide
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<a name="trends"></a>📈 Trends

This section will specifically highlight trends relating to what the AI community is tweeting about. Some trends are are challenges. Others are tweet "templates".

More to come soon!

March 2023HustleGPT#HustleGPT
January-April 2023You don't know ChatGPT#ChatGPT
April 2023AutoGPT is the Next Big Thing#AutoGPT
April 2023ChatGPT is Just the Tip of the Iceberg#ChatGPT
March-April 2023You're falling behind#AI

<a name="timeline"></a>🕰️ Timeline

8/22/2022Stable Diffusion Announcement@EMostaque
9/21/2022Whisper Announcement@OpenAI
10/27/2022AvatarAI Announcement@levelsio
11/30/2022ChatGPT Announcement@sama
2/3/2023Poe Announcement@adamdangelo
3/1/2023ChatGPT and Whisper API Announcement@OpenAI
3/3/2023LLAMA Leak@hn_frontpage
3/14/2023GPT-4 Announcement@sama
3/14/2023Midjourney V5 Announcement@midjourney
3/14/2023PaLM API Announcement@sundarpichai
3/14/2023Claude Announcement@AnthropicAI
3/15/2023HustleGPT Begins@jacksonfall
3/16/2023EntrepreneurGPT Announced as HustleGPT Venture@SigGravitas
3/21/2023Adobe Firefly Announcement@montelutz
3/22/2023Copilot X Announcement@github
3/23/2023ChatGPT Plugins Announcement@OpenAI
3/29/2023Tech Calls for Pause on AI@nytimes
3/29/2023Baby AGI Announcement@yoheinakajima
3/30/2023AutoGPT Announcement@SigGravitas
3/30/2023Vicuna Announcement@lmsysorg
4/3/2023Baby AGI Goes Open Source@yoheinakajima
4/8/2023AgentGPT Announcement@asimdotshrestha
4/11/2023Meta SAM Announcement@MetaAI
4/13/2023Godmode Announcement@Lonis
4/13/2023Stanford Generative Agents Study@thealexbanks
4/13/2023Elon creates X.ai@WSJ
4/16/2023MiniGPT Announcement@tikgiau
4/17/2023Magi Annnouncement@heyBarsee
4/17/2023DINOv2 Annnouncement@MetaAI
4/17/2023TruthGPT Annnouncement@SawyerMerritt
4/18/2023BloombergGPT Annnouncement@thealexbanks
4/19/2023StableLM Annnouncement@StabilityAI
4/20/2023Google DeepMind Annnouncement@DeepMind

<a name="support"></a>☕️ Support

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