

Codebase for "INVASE: Instance-wise Variable Selection"

Authors: Jinsung Yoon, James Jordon, Mihaela van der Schaar

Paper: Jinsung Yoon, James Jordon, Mihaela van der Schaar, "IINVASE: Instance-wise Variable Selection using Neural Networks," International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2019. (https://openreview.net/forum?id=BJg_roAcK7)

This directory contains implementations of INVASE framework for the following applications.

To run the pipeline for training and evaluation on INVASE framwork, simply run python3 -m main_inavse.py.

Note that any model architecture can be used as the actor and critic models such as CNN. The condition for models is to have train and predict functions as its subfunctions.

Stages of the INVASE framework:

Command inputs:

Example command

$ python3 main_invase.py 
--data_type syn1 --train_no 10000 --test_no 10000 --dim 11
--model_type invase --actor_h_dim 100 --critic_h_dim 200
--n_layer 3 --batch_size 1000 --iteration 10000
--activation relu --learning_rate 0.0001 --lamda 0.1
