


This firmware is a hacky mishmash of VW and Nissan CAN code. It talks to the Nissan BMS (aka LBC) to find out cell voltages and such. It also produces all messages needed for satisfying the various controllers in newer VW cars (my testbed is a 2004 Touran). That means all warning lights are off. It also implements the ChaDeMo protocol and has been successfully tested on various fast chargers.


IO pins

CAN configuration (VW)

Not all CAN messages are hard coded, some are configured via the generic interface. Send these commands:


You will need the arm-none-eabi toolchain: https://developer.arm.com/open-source/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads The only external depedencies are libopencm3 and libopeninv. You can download and build this dependency by typing

make get-deps

Now you can compile stm32-car by typing


And upload it to your board using a JTAG/SWD adapter, the updater.py script or the esp8266 web interface