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License: MIT Latest Release Tests


Kodgen is a C++17 library based on libclang. It provides tools to parse C++ source files and generate files from the parsed data. The C++ entities parsed in the current implementation are namespaces, structs/classes, non-member and member variables, non-member and member functions, enums and enum values.

Getting Started


Clone the repository

Clone the git repository with its submodules:

> git clone https://github.com/jsoysouvanh/Kodgen.git
> cd Kodgen

Generate the project

> cmake -B Build/Release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "<Generator>"

Most common generators include:

Note: If you use Visual Studio 15 2017 generator, the default target platform is x86 so you should specify it explicitely. See the generator documentation for more information.

> cmake -B Build/Release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64

Build the library

> cmake --build Build/Release --config Release --target Kodgen

You will find built executables / shared libraries in Kodgen/Build/Release/Bin and static libraries in Kodgen/Build/Release/Lib.

Cross-platform compatibility

This library has been tested and is stable on the following configurations: